Poster 3. Norient Musikfilm Festival 2012, Design: Mazen Kerbaj (Lebanon)

January 12–15, 2012


At Night, They Dance (Isabelle Lavigne & Stéphane Thibault, EGY/CAN 2010, 80’) * · Article (German)
Coz Ov Moni (King & the FOKN Bois, GHA 2010, 30’) · Article (German)
Hit Me With Music (Miquel Galofré, JAM/ESP 2011, 74’) * · Article (German)
I Love Hip Hop in Morocco (Jennifer Needleman & Joshua Asen, MAR/USA 2007, 75’) * · Article
Life From the BBC (Jackson Allers, LIB/USA 2010, 15’) * · Article (German)
Paradiso (Alessandro Negrini, UK/ITA 2009, 60’) * · Article
Polyphonia (Björn Reinhardt & Eckehard Pistrick, ALB/GER 2011, 97’) * · Article (German)
The Shukar Collective Project (Matei-Alexandru Mocanu, ROU 2010, 75’) * · Article (German)
Visit Me Once a Year (Zourouni koulli sana marra) (Siska, FRA/GER 2010, 21’) * · Article (German)

* Swiss Premiere


FOKN Bois feat. DJ Mo Laudi (GHA)
Gazelle (RSA) · Article
Secousse Soundsystem (RSA/FRA)
Wildlife! (SUI)


Jackson Allers, Alessandro Negrini, Björn Reinhardt, Zenesha Riley

Media Coverage

20 Minuten (CH)
Badische Zeitung (CH)
Berner Kulturagenda BKA (CH)
Berner Zeitung BZ (CH)
Der Bund I, II & III (CH)
Globalsounds (CH)
kinki Magazin (CH)
Kulturmagazin Ensuite (CH)
Radio Bern RaBe, End2End Pt. I & II  (CH)
Radio DRS 2 (CH)
Radio RTS Couleur 3 (CH)
Vibrations (CH)
The Wire (UK)

«Over four days in January, the Reitschule in Bern, Switzerland will host screenings, club nights and live shows. Broadly the topic is non-Western music, but co-director Michael Spahr is keen to stress they’re moving away from the ‹classic› take on World Music.» — Clive Bell, The Wire


Funding Partners / Sponsors