Norient is an audio-visual gallery and a community (of practice) for the sound of the world: for contemporary music, quality journalism, cutting-edge research, projects, and events like the Norient Festival. Norient conceives music, sound, and noise as seismographs of our time, facilitates space and place for thinkers and artists from currently sixty countries to tell new and different stories of the now and tomorrow. The goal is to support (sub)cultural diversity, broaden horizons, and open up dialogue across people, continents, and disciplines. Become a member to enjoy more features and join our ride and vision: the creation of a sustainable platform and strong media content from across the globe.
norient’s sub-sections

The Norient Space «The Now in Sound» is a curated audiovisual gallery aiming to provide space for scholars, researchers, journalists, and artists from many disciplines and backgrounds around the world, both established and young. The Norient Space consists of audiovisual media pieces (snaps), articles, podcasts, photography, video, and film. It further hosts Online Specials (e.g. Norient City Sounds), columns (Sonic Worlding), a monthly playlist, and the series 5 Video Clips from ...
space (at) norient.com · www.norient.com

Norient Place includes the Norient Festival and its satellites, lectures, performances, or concerts, curated and co-curated by Norient and its community of practice. Contact us to co-curate your next project. Norient worked with CTM Festival Berlin, Rough Trade London, Base Milan, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, The Mist Nairobi, In/Out Festival South America, Rewire Festival The Hague, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Arsenic Lausanne, Wiener Festwochen, or ZKM Karlsruhe. See full list of our partners.
agency (at) norient.com · www.norient.com/place

The Norient Festival explores the contemporary world through sound and image. We search films, video art, digital stories, and audio-visual performances, works and installations that focus on music, sound, noise, and silences and speak of the possibilities and challenges of the now. The festival is co-curated by an international, multi-disciplinary team.
festival (at) norient.com · www.norient-festival.com

Best known for conceiving music and sound as seismographs of our time, Norient’s own publishing house Norient Books attempts to melt these seismographs into nuanced stories of the now and tomorrow. It publishes unconventional releases between art, journalism, and academia that reflect upon but also with its phenomena, covering a wide range of perspectives beyond people, continents, and disciplines.
books (at) norient.com · www.norient.com/books

Through the Norient Agency you can book us for lectures, performances, panel talks, and other formats. Or we find you the right speaker or performer for your event from our extensive international network of scholars, journalists, and artists. Looking for inspiring synergies or partnerships? Discuss your ideas with us.
agency (at) norient.com · www.norient.com/agency
«In 2002, Norient was an attack on Orientalism and Exoticism. It was about opening up to contemporary music and expressions from the non-Western world. Now it is about creating a true community of thinkers and artists.»
Thomas Burkhalter, Founder and Director of Norient