
A selection of quotations and testimonials on Norient and their projects.

collaborators and curators

I am excited that Norient aims to enter a new phase and bring together diverse voices, experiences, and locations. This helps in the process of decolonization, and it gives me the opportunity to platform and amplify South Asian histories of resistance and pro-tests of people who have been marginalized.

Radha Mahendru, part of the curatorial team of the Norient Festival

Working with Norient and being a part of the curatorial team for the Timezones series has been an enriching experience. The series is a truly international collaborative platform which allows for conversations and connections at a deeper, personal level with the artists. I have felt tremendous growth and a broadening of my own artistic practice as a sound artist and music producer working on this series.

Abhishek Mathur, curator and artistic editor of the TIMEZONES podcast

I see great potential in collaborating with an international team of curators. The collective «learning» and «reflection» is for me crucial to develop a successful collaboration and global understanding. I can already see the positive impact this collaboration has had on my own research and artistic process.»

Claudia Popovici, part of the curatorial team of the Norient Festival

Being a part of a collective of thinkers, artists, and curators at Norient has been really enriching. The collaborative and reflective space has facilitated the conditions to develop a deeper understanding of sound and critical listening. It has opened up new ways of approaching artistic practices and processes while also activating and mobilizing some of my own concerns.

Suvani Suri, curator and artistic editor of the TIMEZONES podcast

I don’t know of any other online media outlet that is able to combine a solid academic approach to musicological and anthropological research, and the visual slickness (and leftfield outlook) of the more established music magazines.

Francesco Fusaro, curator and editor of the Online Special Sonic Traces: From Italy (2021).


Die Auslagerung (und das damit verbundene Vertrauen in Afrika) ist ein enorm wichtiger Schritt, da es genug Produkte über Entwicklungen auf diesem Kontinent gibt, die von Aussenstehenden erstellt werden, die nur – und das auch nur im besten Fall – einen beschränkten Einblick haben.

Valentin Zellweger, Schweizer Botschafter für Kenia, Burundi, Ruanda, Somalia und Uganda; Kommentar zum Projekt Norient City Sounds: Nairobi


Norient has helped in shaping the modern music in the Arab world 15 years ago.

Mahmoud Refat, founder and owner of the 100Copies label

Norient is like a university lecture live from a really good club.

Raffael Dörig, director of the Kunsthaus Langenthal, founder of the Shift Festival of Electronic Arts

On Norient, I discover musical scenes and artists new to me, discussed in an intelligent, clear manner without the usual world music romanticizing.

Sandeep Bhagwati, composer, musician, researcher

For years Norient has consistently told stories of artists around the world and was a fore-runner in decolonizing the European music scene.

AGF aka poemproducer, musician

There’s nothing like Norient!

Marcus Gammel, Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Norient is 21st century research.

Holger Schulze, Sound Studies Lab, Copenhagen University

«Norient Space» heisst das Projekt, das den Algorithmen der Grosskonzerne trotzen will.

Matthias Zehnder, DigitalBrainstorming