Lost in Translation – Toiret Status

by Thomas Burkhalter

Toiret Status from Japan came to my attention a while ago thanks to his rough mixing of samples, drum-beats, fun effects and field recordings. For my new series «A Portrait Of – Experimenting with Interview Formats» I sent out an email with questions to him and received his answers in Japanese. Using Google Translator, I mixed this podcast with his voice, music and sounds.

The E-Mail Interview (Non Japanese speakers please use Google Translator)

[Thomas Burkhalter]: How do you produce your sounds and beats - how much is pre-sets, samples, FX, …?

[Toiret Status]: toiret statusではipadのGrageBandというアプリを使用して音やビートを作っています。私の曲を構成する音は主にサンプリングが多いです。ネット上に散らばる様々な音を採取し、加工して面白い音になるようにしています。また、iPhoneで録音した環境音を使用することもあります。最近は、サンプリングが多いですが、曲によってはプリセットの音を使用することもあります。私は2016年まで、友人たちと様々なバンド活動をやっていました。私はドラマーでした。LIGHTNING BOLTのようなベースとドラムの二人組のバンドをやったり。大所帯でノイズバンドをやったり、そしてThe Locustのような複雑なハードコアバンドもやったりしていました。そのため、リズムやビートは直観的にiPadの画面をドラムのように叩いて作ることが多いです。

[TB]: How do you edit the tracks? How much time you need for one track?

[TS]: 最終的な編集はAbletonのLIVEを使用します。そこで、色々なエフェクトを施していきます。面白くて奇妙な音が好きなので、色々なエフェクトの組み合わせを試しながら制作します。曲によって違いますが、制作には1週間ぐらい必要です。

[TB]: How should your music sound in the future?

[TS]: 奇妙だけどポップのように聴こえたら、僕は嬉しいですね。僕の音楽を聴いて、驚いてくれたり楽しんでくれる人がいることを望んでいます。

Toiret Status (photo: artist)

Toiret Status – ◎omaru◎

«There is something unimaginable happening here: blast-beats, toilet sounds, sonic manipulation, and a wild imagination for experimental beat. ◎omaru◎ is such a huge surprise to listen through even now because of how silly yet emotionally rewarding the progressions become on each track. I believe this to be one of the most entertaining and underlooked releases one will find, but I'm glad it's hear for the world to eventually recognize~ Favorite track: #31 feat. DJWWWW.»

Dave H.


Thomas Burkhalter, PhD, is an anthropologist, multidisciplinary artist, and writer from Bern, Switzerland. He is the founder and director of Norient and the Norient Festival. Burkhalter has co-directed documentary films, including Contradict (Berner Filmpreis 2020, Al-Jazeera Witness), and created AV/theatre performances. He is the author and co-editor of several books, such as Local Music Scenes and Globalization: Transnational Platforms in Beirut (Routledge) and The Arab Avant Garde: Musical Innovation in the Middle East (Wesleyan University Press). His experimental radio feature, Gqom Edits – A Durban Visit, was nominated for the Prix Europa in 2017. Burkhalter teaches regularly at universities, leads workshops for arts institutions, and, since 2022, has produced the Norient Mixtape for Swiss National Radio SRF3. Currently, Burkhalter's focus lies on his new music/AV duo, Melodies In My Head, and the podcast Long Take: Life as an Artist. Burkhalter’s work combines personal and global perspectives, often in close collaboration with artists and thinkers from across the world. Follow him on Instagram, Research Gate, Academia.edu, Bandcamp, Spotify, or Meta.

Published on June 02, 2017

Last updated on October 26, 2020


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