One day, when sitting in an angkot minivan in Bogor, our writer had a weird encounter that made her ears ring; it was funkot, a mix of gabber and Indonesian folk. An essay inspired by the music of Animistic Beliefs who performed at MUTEK festival 2023.
Why Asia is not a continent and how the aesthetics of the NON Worldwide collective create new utopian notions of multi-centred origins.
- Quotation by Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
«New perspectives could be generated by engaging with Global Souths.»
- Short Essay by Sally GaramaAfter growing up in Japan, Sally, a Kenyan teenager, wanted to reconnect with Kenyan music upon returning home, while dealing with the meaning of that term, «home».
- Quotation by Natalie Richardson
«Paradise is a landscape on which we are constantly rewriting new cultural meanings atop the old.»