How does the artits’ relationship to the gear affect music? How to make the climate change audible?

  • Podcast by Aho Ssan
    «TIMEZONES» – Episode 21 is centered on the legendary Group de Recherche Musicale in Paris. The episode offers an intimate look at how GRM’s pioneering work continues to echo through Paris’ vibrant artistic scenes, pushing the boundaries of what sound can express.
  • Blog Post by Stefan Schultze
    In this blog post, you’ll discover the origins and evolution of Black MIDI, a Japanese subgenre that layers millions of notes to create complex auditory and visual compositions. It is an introduction to the genre’s roots, progression, and the challenges it has provoked.
  • Blog Post by Stefan Schultze
    In this blog post, you will explore the intricacies of Black MIDI, focusing on how dense note structures can reveal hidden patterns and how «blackers» aim to find the «sweet spot» where melody remains discernible.
  • Blog Post by Stefan Schultze
    In this blog post, you will discover how Black MIDI aligns with the Touhou gaming community through remixes and shared aesthetics. Read about how the challenging note structures in Black MIDI mirror the complexity of bullet hell games.