Neue Musik: das Klicken der Curlingsteine

Norient Snap by Uno
Neue Musik: das Klicken der Curlingsteine

In der Neuen Musik bewegt sich die jüngste Generation von Komponisten und Komponistinnen jenseits der Stilgrenzen – und entdeckt auch das politische Engagement wieder. Eine Tour d'Horizon von Johannes Kreidler bis Cathy van Eck.

Design: Uno Design
Photo: Silvana Torrinha
Sound: Annafruit

Protest Music in Hong Kong

Norient Snap by Faisal Khan
Protest Music in Hong Kong

Around the protests in Hong Kong a hole art movement is growing. New songs accompany the demonstrations, and speak out for democracy. A round-up of protest videos.

Photo: Winnie Lau
Sound: Dhaka Dub Hierarchy

Five Video Clips from Indonesia

Norient Snap by Juliana Adhikary
Five Video Clips from Indonesia

Warning: This list is very political – and very loud. It's about greed, honesty, corruption and – what else could it be – love. We see a country which is likely home to the most massive hard rock, metal, and punk scenes in Asia.

Design: Juliana Adhikary, Akaliko Collective
Photo: Ice Cream Attack
Sound: Burgerkill
Remix: Miss Auto, Akaliko Collective

Five Video Clips from Namibia

Norient Snap by Ahmad Hammoud
Five Video Clips from Namibia

Ein Land zwischen Tradition und Moderne, zwischen Kwaito und Afropop, zwischen Bling Bling und Stammestracht. Das ist Namibia, wie es uns der in Deutschland lebende namibische Rapper EES in seiner musikalischen Videoschau zeigt.

Quote: EES
Photo: G Carus/Wikipedia

Gehirnjogging mit dem Klangkoffer

Norient Snap by Uno
Gehirnjogging mit dem Klangkoffer

Musikvermittlung 2.0: Die App «Memoreille» verbindet in einem Sound-Memory Kompositionen von zeitgenössischen Klangkünstlern und experimentellen Musikerinnen. Rezension und Portrait von drei ausgewählten Levels.

Quote: Hannes Liechti
Design: Uno Design
Sound: Strutter Inst.

Five Video Clips from Germany Vol. 1

Norient Snap by Ali Kazmi
Five Video Clips from Germany Vol. 1

Deutsche Bands gehen «Huckepack» und inszenieren Video-Clips anderer Bands. Trümmer und Tocotronic machens in Clips von den Goldenen Zitronen und den Nerven vor. Daneben geht es in dieser Videoliste um Planung und Gentrifizierung.

Design: Ali Kazmi
Sound: Ali Kazmi

Five Video Clips from Morocco

Norient Snap by Juliana Adhikary
Five Video Clips from Morocco

A video journey through a country which is hovering between modernity and tradition, between eastern and western influences, between traditional Moroccan music and modern styles such as hip hop, reggae and dubstep.

Quote: Anne Haack
Design: Juliana Adhikary, Akaliko Collective
Photo: Adam Jones/Wikimedia
Sound: Soultana
Remix: Miss Auto, Akaliko Collective

Five Video Clips from Afghanistan

Norient Snap by fertig design
Five Video Clips from Afghanistan

After the Taliban Regime made the playing and hearing of music illegal and impossible, in the past 12 years music in Afghanistan has come back to life and taken a new and modern path. There is no place in the country, where you don’t hear new hits.

Photo: ANBI/Wikimedia

Five Video Clips from Ethiopia

Norient Snap by Shadharon Chobi
Five Video Clips from Ethiopia

Internet connection troubles took Addis Abeba based musician Ethiopian Records several weeks to finish his video selection for Norient. «It was not easy finding videos after 2013 – some are older», he wrote us and here is what he finally digged out.

Design: Shadharon Chobi, Akaliko Collective
Photo: Yonatan Solomon/Wikimedia
Sound: Vanga Sound System

Norient Dark Summer Selection 2014

Sejma Fere

Norient keeps searching for new sounds and puts together a regularly selection from Soundcloud. Enjoy or skip through tracks from upcoming and well-known artists from a wide variety of places. And read what some artists wrote about their tracks.

Design: Šejma Fere
Photo: Nimanka Mahesh/Wikimedia
Sound: Woo

Farbenfrohes Instrumentengestrüpp

Norient Snap by Arlene
Farbenfrohes Instrumentengestrüpp

Als «Hypergamelan» bezeichnet die koreanische Komponistin Unsuk Chin ihr «Doppelkonzert für Klavier, Schlagzeug und Ensemble». Ein Gespräch mit Chin.

Design: Arlene
Sound: Junn