Christoph Jacke

Christoph Jacke is professor of theory, aesthetics, and history of popular music and course director of the BA and MA programme «Popular Music and Media» at the Department of Music at Paderborn University, Germany. He is also vice head at the university’s Institute of Arts, Music, and Fashion. Vice director and member of advisory board of «C:POP - Transdisciplinary Research Center for Popular Music Cultures and Creative Economies» at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Paderborn University. Founder and former chair of the section of «Popular Culture and Media» within the «German Society for Media Studies» (GfM, 2009–2017) and member of the advisory boards of the Institute of Pop Music at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen/Bochum (since 2014) and the German/Austrian/Swiss branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM D-A-CH, 2012–2016, 2021–2022), of which he was chair from 2016–2021. As a journalist he has written for Spex, Kaput, Testcard, Frankfurter Rundschau, Intro, Rolling Stone, De:Bug, Die Aufhebung, and other prominent German-language music and culture magazines.
Together with Beate Flath, Charis Goer, and Martin Zierold he is the co-editor of a book series called Transdisciplinary Studies in Popular Culture with Transcript publishers (formerly Popular Culture and Media with LIT publishers). He is co-editor with Charis Goer and Stefan Greif of Texte zur Theorie des Pop (Reclam, 2013), has co-edited an issue of the IASPM journal with Martin James and Ed Montano on music journalism (2014), co-edited Perspectives on German Popular Music in the Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series with Michael Ahlers (Routledge, 2017), and together with Beate Flath, co-edited an issue of Medien & Zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart on «Facts – Fake – Pop. Cultural Dynamics, Games and Breaks» (04/2017, open source/online, 2018).
Most recently he co-edited PopEventKulturen an den Schnittstellen von Management und Politik. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven with Beate Flath (Transcript 2022), Druckwellen. Eskalationskulturen und Kultureskalationen in Pop, Gesellschaft und Politik with Beate Flath, Ina Heinrich, Heinrich Klingmann, Maryam Momen Pour Tafreshi (Transcript 2022), and Transformational POP: Transitions, Breaks, and Crises in Popular Music (Studies). ~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series. Volume No. 2 with Beate Flath and Manuel Troike (open source/online, 2022).