Teach Yourself to Fly: 5 Sonic Meditations

Teach Yourself to Fly: 5 Sonic Meditations
Teach Yourself to Fly: 5 Sonic Meditations

With her series of word pieces «Sonic Meditations», the U.S.-composer Pauline Oliveros proposed a way to cultivate community, self-awareness and emotional health through listening and music-making. Read the first five lessons here.

Design: Maria Uthe

In Search for New Vocabularies

In Search for New Vocabularies
In Search for New Vocabularies

While working on the collaborative publication «All In It Together», Norient’s editor Philipp Rhensius and Rewire’s context curator Katía Truijen enter into a conversation over email where they strive to learn from the various contributions.

Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

The Soundcape Speaks

Design by Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel.
The Soundcape Speaks
The Soundcape Speaks

Listen to composer, radio artist, and sound ecologist Hildegard Westerkamp’s audio piece, in which she turns to her archive of sound recordings, inviting us to listen to the environment across time and space.

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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

Through Space and Time

Through Space and Time
Through Space and Time

For Indigenous people, listening to music can function as an act of kinship, where identities are strengthened and acknowledged through building relationships with their environment. Read an essay by Indigenous musicologist and pianist, Renata Yazzie.

Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

An Equal Sound

Design by Anja Kaiser/Jim Kühnel.
An Equal Sound
An Equal Sound

Read this essay by artist, researcher, and writer Budhaditya Chattopadhyay on how a critical engagement with Global Souths, diasporic and Indigenous artists and thinkers, and their listening cultures could contribute towards equitable planetary conversations.

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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

More to Sound than Meets the Ears

More to Sound than Meets the Ears
More to Sound than Meets the Ears

Read this essay by artistic researcher, and curator Heloisa Amaral, on modes of listening and the possibility of multiphonic attention.

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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

Aesthetics Matter: New Ways of Storytelling

Aesthetics Matter: New Ways of Storytelling
Aesthetics Matter: New Ways of Storytelling

How can people work together across the constraints of time and space, and the cultures they determine? In this conversation, Norient founder Thomas Burkhalter and the artists Abhishek Mathur and Suvani Suri discuss their work on the experimental podcast series Timezones.

Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel



This essay by Mark Peter Wright unpacks the microphone as an entangled instrument and fosters a listening practice that engages critically with the sounds one hears.

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Design: Anja Kaiser, Jim Kühnel

Norient Playlist 3/23: Bogotá

Norient Playlist 3/23: Bogotá
Norient Playlist 3/23: Bogotá

The artists from this playlist cross borders in ancestral, traditional, and standard Brazilian aesthetics. Both the artists and the list’s curator have a common taste for breaking rules and sometimes respectfully facing a certain black status quo with anarchist acts.

Sound: Binary Algorithms

Norient Mixtape #2: South Asian Pop meets Resistance

Norient Mixtape #2 – South Asian Pop meets Resistance (photo: Thomas Burkhalter/Jusomor).
Norient Mixtape #2 – South Asian Pop meets Resistance
Norient Mixtape #2: South Asian Pop meets Resistance

From M.I.A. to Charli XCX to Priya Ragu – South Asia between global pop, underground sounds, and protest. Norient founder Thomas Burkhalter travelled through South Asia for his upcoming podcast series «South Asian Sound Stories» and searched current sound streams.

Quote: Yakawrath
Design: Jusomor
Sound: Aerate Sound

Norient Playlist 2/23: São Paulo

Norient Playlist 2/23: São Paulo
Norient Playlist 2/23: São Paulo

The artists from this playlist cross borders in ancestral, traditional, and standard Brazilian aesthetics. Both the artists and the list’s curator have a common taste for breaking rules and sometimes respectfully facing a certain black status quo with anarchist acts.

Sound: Mauricio Takara & Carla Boregas