Capitalism Encourages People

by Jonna Karanka

«The capitalism encourages people not to care about each other but to compete. The economic depression gave an excuse to push working life into an even worse direction where an individual has less and less rights and freedom of choices. At the same time people feel empty and buy stupid snacks.»

The quote is taken from the podcast «Finding Unity Through Sound» by Joanna Karanka and Katri Sipiläinen, published 2017 on «Norient». Last accessed on December 3, 2020.


Jonna Karanka is a visual artist and musician. Her passion is to weave rya rugs and make psychedelic music with Olimpia Splendid, Kuupuu and IAX. Follow her on her Website.

Published on October 02, 2017

Last updated on June 27, 2022


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