Lucia Udvardyová

Lucia Udvardyová

Lucia Udvardyová is a music journalist, curator, and organizer. In 2010, she co-founded Easterndaze, a project that aims to document and interconnect the emerging underground scenes in Central and Eastern Europe. She has worked with Czech Radio, Resonance FM, Cashmere Radio, The Listening Biennial, The Quietus, and The Wire, Central European University (CEU), and the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), among others.

Between 2016 and 2021, she curated and co-organized the Easterndaze x Berlin series that aims to bring together collectives from Berlin and the CEE region. She also gives lectures and talks and leads sound-related workshops. Udvardyová currently works for the SHAPE platform, a pan-European festival initiative that promotes innovative music and audiovisual art, CTM Festival’s discourse program and magazine, and she’s the film curator at WOMEX.

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Norient Events

13th Norient Festival

Do/Thu · January 11, 2024
17:00 · 5pm
Panel Discussion Moderation (Festival Hub)
PROGR, Stube, Bern/Switzerland

Fr/Fri · January 12, 2024
21:00 · 9pm
Talk Moderation (Block 07)
Dampfzentrale, Bern/Switzerland