How does this ideology, but also its sheer physical expressions such as labor affect cultural production? From hip hop’s «bling» culture to critical evaluations of cultural funding.

  • Quotation by Xenia Benivolski, Rachael Rakes

    «If clocks impose order, music defies it».

  • Essay by Sunayana Wadhawan
    Sunayana Wadhawan traces a map of stories from Kathputli Colony (Puppeteer’s Colony) in New Delhi to foreground the pressing concerns of artists and art forms that are displaced and delegitimized in the name of urban development.
  • Audio Essay by Philipp Rhensius, Ursula Palla
    At Klang Moor Schopfe 2021, Philipp Rhensius created 12 experimental audio essays. Listen to a podcast inspired by the sound installation of Ursula Palla.
  • Short Essay by Steph Kretowicz
    «The reason why tech workers were attracted to San Francisco was because of everything that the artist class brought to SF», says one of the artists in Norient’s «Timezones» Bay Area episode. An essay on the long and tangled interrelation of art and technology in the region.