How Much Money Are Ants Worth: Ursula Palla

Audio Essay
by Philipp Rhensius,

At Klang Moor Schopfe 2021, Philipp Rhensius created 12 experimental audio essays. Listen to a podcast inspired by the sound installation of Ursula Palla.

Recording, additional composition and script by Philipp Rhensius aka Alienationist

These experimental audio essay podcasts were created by Norient curator and sound artist Philipp Rhensius aka Alienationist in autumn 2021 as part of a residency at Klang Moor Schopfe 2021. Each piece refers to one sound installation exhibited there while going beyond it, merging Rhensius’ own sound art, poetry, interviews, and musical compositions.


Philipp Rhensius is an editor for Norient, writer, musician, sound artist, sociologist & musicologist, and curator from Berlin. His work investigates the connections between the micro- and macro-political and is driven by the idea that «feeling the chains» is the moment when emancipation begins. His music and sound art projects (, aphtc, Alienationst) merge sonic fiction with sardonic poetry and visceral sound. His texts are published in i.e. Taz, Spex, FAZ, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, WOZ and several book volumes. He runs the music label Arcane Patterns and hosts a monthly podcast on Noods Radio. Follow him on Instagram, his Website, or LinkedIn.


Ursula Palla lives and works in Zurich and has been represented in numerous exhibitions and video festivals in Switzerland and abroad for 25 years. She works primarily with the medium of video and explores the themes of projection, reality and construction in expansive installations and objects. Ursula Palla's works derive their forcefulness from their ambivalence; the aesthetic consciousness and the courage to dismiss it. They provide material for dreams that encourage reflection and reveal the fragile states of our being in memorable and poetic images. Follow her on Instagram, and on her Website.

Published on November 19, 2021

Last updated on March 26, 2024


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