Philipp Rhensius


Philipp Rhensius is a writer, musician, sound artist, sociologist, musicologist, poet, and editor for Norient based in Berlin. His work is driven by the idea that feeling the chains is the first step of emancipation. In his music projects (, aphtc), Rhensius merges sonic fiction with sardonic poetry, queer theory and visceral sound.

His compositions for performances have been performed at the Venice Biennale, Dock 11 Berlin, Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, among others. His essays, articles, and poetry have been published in i.e. Taz, Spex, FAZ, SZ, WOZ and several book volumes. He runs the music label Arcane Patterns and hosts a monthly podcast on Noods Radio.

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Posts on the Norient Space by Philipp Rhensius
Norient Events

13th Norient Festival

Do/Thu · January 11, 2024
17:00 · 5pm
Panel Discussion (Festival Hub)
PROGR, Stube, Bern/Switzerland

Sa/Sat · January 13, 2024
14:30 · 2.30pm
Reading Performance (Bubble 02)
PROGR, kleine Bühne, Bern/Switzerland

So/Sun · January 14, 2024
16:00 · 4pm
DJ Set (Festival Hub)
PROGR, Stube, Bern/Switzerland


Text & Essay Publications

«Once upon a grime in London». In Out of the Absurdity of Life, edited by Theresa Beyer and Thomas Burkhalter. 2012. 314–320. Bern: Norient Books.

«I’ve been waiting for this since jungle. Ethnographische Skizze der Londoner Dubstepszene». In Invisible Landscapes - Popular Music and Spatiality, edited by Giacomo Bottà. 2016. 3755. München: Waxmann Verlag.

«Dubstep ist Körpermusik». In Was erzählt Pop?, edited by Thomas Düllo, Holger Schulze and Florian Hadler. 2017. 224–238. Münster: Lit Verlag.

«Wut im Bauch und Musik in den Ohren». In: NZZ - Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Published 1. September 2018, Link.

Sampling Politics Today. Liechti, Hannes, Thomas Burkhalter and Philipp Rhensius Ed. 2020. Published online on

«Die Überstunden des Nervensystems». In: taz - die tageszeitung. Published 20. July 2020, Link.

«Nullen und Einsen, Emojis und Likes». In: taz - die tageszeitung. Published 20. April 2021, Link.

«Postmigrantische Musik». In: VAN Outernational Magazin. Published 1. August 2021, Link.

Kolumne «Was Macht Mich». In: taz. Published since 1. September 2024, Link.

Music Releases - «Rewind The Century». Digital. Released on Miracle Drug Recordings. 25. November 2022. Cleveland. Link.

Alienationist - «Don't Worry, You Can Always Be Reborn As a Screenshot». Digital. Self-released. 30. August 2022. Berlin. Link.

INRA - «I Super Liked You By Mistake». Tapes & Digital INRA. Self-released. 30. September 2020. Berlin & Jerusalem.

aphtc - «Rewind The Subject». Vinyl 12" & Digital. Released on Arcane Patterns. 15. August 2019. Berlin.

aphtc - «When Grounds Shift». Vinyl 12" & Digital. Released on Arcane Patterns. 17. August 2018. Berlin.

INRA «The Content Consuming Its Form». Poetry Book & Album. Self-released. 30. November 2018. Berlin.

Life Stained Red. CD. 2010. Montabaur.

Dread I.D. «Image Is a Weapon». CD. 12. May 2007. Neuwied.


Experimental Audio Essays Klang Moor Schopfe 2021. Link.

«Arcane Patterns w/ Guest Speaker DeForrest Brown Jr. aka Speaker Music». Noods Radio. June 2020: Bristol. Link.

Music & Sound Performances

«Don't Worry, You Can Always Be Reborn As a Screenshot». Alienationist performance. 9 April 2022. Walcheturm: Zürich.

«not to be a single being». Sound & poetry performance. 12 September 2021. Klangmoorschopfe Festival w/ i.e. Alva Noto, Rie Nakajima & Ryoichi Kurokawa: Gais.

«Bring In Weight – A Critique on Populism». Sound poetry performance. 27.29. February 2020: Maribor.

«Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant» by Berit Einemo Frøysland, a solo dance performance. Soundtrack composition & sound design. 79. February 2020. Dock 11: Berlin.

«Olympia», a performance by Rachel Monosov. Soundtrack composition, production & live performance. 14.15. December 2019. Palazzo delle Esposizioni: Rome.

Lectures & Panels

2017, November 23: «Popmusik zwischen Postkolonialismus und Utopie», Lecture & Discussion w/ Mark Ernestus (Ndagga), Bernd Friedmann (Nonplace), Stefan Schneider (TAL), Florian Meyer (DISK), Avril Ceballos (CÓMEME), Interkultur Ruhr, Essen  

2018, October 27: «AQNB’s Assimilation Politics», Panel Discussion at 3hd Festival, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin

2018, March 21: «Keynote about Hauntology, Afrofuturism and Black Speculative Art», Lecture & Discussion w/ Natasha A. Kelly, Decad Kunstraum, Berlin

2018, January 11: «Wo bleibt der Future Shock?», Lecture for the «Mark Fisher-Memorial», Institut für Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Wien

2019, December 5: «Killing Flies is Populism», Sound Installation and Lecture Performance at Bring In Weight - A Critique on Populism, 7 Hours Art Space, Berlin

2020, October 25: «Decolonising Classical Music», Moderation of a panel discussion w/ Cathy Milliken, Brigitta Muntendorf, Svetlana Spajicz and Amen Feizabadi about transtraditional composing for Goethe Institut Radialsystem, Berlin