Curating Means Creating a Narrative

by Andrea Goetzke

What is most important to you when curating?

Creating spaces where people can be inspired and become visible to each other in a shared interest. Making space for people whose voices are less heard in society.


What are the biggest conflicts / pleasures you encounter when curating?

Curating sounds soft and fluffy. However – selecting also means thumbs up for some and thumbs down for others. An invitation may be asking for a lot – there are blind spots of not knowing, and there is power in decision on budget. Is there anyone who benefits more in the collective process? How can participants interact at eye level and all feel comfortable, given their different positionings in social power structures?


What does curating mean to you?

Curating is a very interdependent practice. It means building, working through, and caring for relationships – between a theme or a cause, artists, participants, a space, and people coming to join. It’s like creating a narrative through other people’s words and works.

These quotations have been published in the Norient book Politics of Curatorship: Collective and Affective Interventions, edited by Philipp Rhensius and Monia Acciari (Norient Books 2023).


Andrea Goetzke works as a curator and cultural producer in Berlin. Across music, discourse, radio and experimental formats she explores cultural and social questions, narratives, structures and collective practices, and how things can be imagined otherwise. She is passionate about creating and hosting hospitable spaces for inspiration and encounter.


Published on January 02, 2022

Last updated on May 28, 2024


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