From art exhibitions to djing to personal Instagram feeds, we look at curation from multiple perspectives.

  • Quotation by Antye Greie-Ripatti

    Curating means facilitating more than anything.

  • Radio by Urs Rihs, Radio Bollwerk
    Artificial Intelligence turns emotive on a Swiss underground radio dataset and gives up in peace – collective curatorial practices winning over. A collaborative radio feature on various artists, programmers, and scientists from the Swiss (musical) underground.
  • Academic Text by Thomas Burkhalter
    What role and methods can a Western person adopt when curating contemporary music from a global perspective? In his ongoing endeavor to understand the world through music and sound, Norient founder Thomas Burkhalter suggests 13 curatorial principles. Read the first six here.
  • Short Essay by Basak Senova
    Curating exhibitions has often been a one-dimensional endeavor. Here, the curator Basak Senova suggests an approach that prioritizes constant feedback between artists and audience, as well as improvisation.