Does a crematorium really have worst sounds in the world? Is there a sound free of any symbolic meaning?

  • Podcast by Aho Ssan
    «TIMEZONES» – Episode 21 is centered on the legendary Group de Recherche Musicale in Paris. The episode offers an intimate look at how GRM’s pioneering work continues to echo through Paris’ vibrant artistic scenes, pushing the boundaries of what sound can express.
  • Quotation by Zahra Malkani

    «The echo is how sound becomes collective.»

  • Interview by Forensis Collective, Katía Truijen, Philipp Rhensius
    With their performance «The Drum and The Bird» at Rewire festival 2025, Forensis and Bill Kouliglas unearth the echoes of colonial violence in Namibia – amplifying erased voices and the land’s testimony. A conversation about how sound can make history audible.
  • Poem by Antye Greie-Ripatti
    What if curation means paying attention? A poem from the book «Politics of Curatorship».