Ecology describes the relationships among living organisms. At Norient, we add sounds and music, asking, for instance: what does a field recording tell about the environment it was recorded?

  • Soundwalk by Nicolás Gutiérrez García, Tembe Laboratorio Sonoro
    A sonic immersion into the waters that flow through Bogotá, narrated by both human and non-human voices of Colombia’s capital. // Una inmersión sonora en las aguas que atraviesan Bogotá, narrada por las voces humanas y no humanas de la capital de Colombia.
  • Quotation by Salomé Voegelin

    «Can we gain a contemporary ear?»

  • Essay by Piotr Tkacz-Bielewicz
    What is real in recorded reality? While listening to the music of Lucie Páchová and Paweł Kułczyński, our author speculates on their use of field recordings of seemingly natural sound sources. Read a new essay from the Sonic Worlding column.
  • Short Essay by Zeynep Bulut
    Inspired by Gilles Aubry’s video essay «Atlantic Ragagar», our author reflects on the relationship between water, body, voice, and language. Bulut calls for a critical approach towards voice and language, and a practice of listening with others.