Vielfältige Türkei

Das Istanbuler Label Kalan Müzik portraitiert Türken, Armenier, Kurden, Juden, Griechen, Assyrer, Aramäer und Yeziden.

Musikethnologische Aufnahmen werden meistens im Westen produziert. Kalan Müzik macht hier eine Ausnahme. Das unabhängige Istanbuler Label legt auf seinen aufwendig produzierten CDs die kulturellen Wurzeln der Türkei frei und portraitiert die Musik der im Lande lebenden Armenier, Kurden, Juden, Griechen, Assyrer, Aramäer und Yeziden.

Sprecher*innen: Cécile Olshausen (DRS2), Kjell Keller (DRS2)

Mit den Musiker*innen: Hadass Pal-Yarden, Asik Veysel, Roza Eskenazi, Knar, Nizamettin Aric, Aynur, Birol Topaloglu & Ngoluri Didalepe, Hazan Aaron, Kohen Yasak, International Italian Quartet.


Dr. Thomas Burkhalter is an anthropologist/ethnomusicologist, AV-artist, and writer from Bern (Switzerland). He is the founder and director of Norient and the Norient Festival (NF), co-directed AV-performances and documentary films (e.g. «Contradict», Berner Filmpreis 2020 + Al-Jazeera Witness), and is the author and co-editor of several books (e.g., «Local Music Scenes and Globalization: Transnational Platforms in Beirut», Routledge, «The Arab Avant Garde: Musical Innovation in the Middle East», Wesleyan University Press). He teaches regularly at universities, and runs workshops for arts institutions. Since 2022 he produces the Norient Mixtape for Swiss National Radio SRF3. Currently, he is working on his new music project «Melodies In My Head», and on the podcast series «South Asian Sound Stories» with musicians from the UK, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. Follow him on Spotify, Research Gate,, Instagram, X, or Facebook.


Simon Grab, the co-founder of ganzerplatz soundstudios has been an active musician and producer in a wide range of musical contexts. As a composer and sound artist he produces music & sounddesign for feature films, documentaries, theatre and radio. In live performances and installations he uses the venue as an acoustic playground. He likes exploring new grounds by negating existing borders. Follow him on Youtube, Instagram, or BandCamp.

Published on October 21, 2010

Last updated on May 01, 2024


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