Watch how cutting-edge music from Brazil to Singapore is represented in moving images.

  • Playlist by Brilant Pireva
    A wild mix of flavors, from limbo and madness, melancholy and fervor, as well as a self-deprecating humor. Watch a list of independent music videos from post-war-struck Kosovo.
  • Blog Post by Stefan Schultze
    In this blog post, you’ll discover the origins and evolution of Black MIDI, a Japanese subgenre that layers millions of notes to create complex auditory and visual compositions. It is an introduction to the genre’s roots, progression, and the challenges it has provoked.
  • Playlist by DJ Borş aka Madalina
    In this video list, Moldova-based DJ Borș reflects on the identitarian limbo and relativity of her post-imperialist reality, asking: How are we using music to create multiple directions for our diverse existences?
  • Playlist by Alicia Goveas
    From powwow chanting to dubstep to throat singing to rap – enjoy a new generation of Indigenous artists, who are intertwining bits of contemporary music with ancient Indigenous traditions, for powerful anthems of cultural identity.