Number Sounds: Ryoichi Kurokawa

At Klang Moor Schopfe 2021, Philipp Rhensius created 12 experimental audio essays. Listen to a podcast inspired by the sound installation of Ryoichi Kurokawa.

Recording, additional composition and script: Philipp Rhensius aka Alienationist.

These experimental audio essay podcasts were created by Norient curator and sound artist Philipp Rhensius aka Alienationist in autumn 2021 as part of a residency at Klang Moor Schopfe 2021. Each piece refers to one sound installation exhibited there while going beyond it, merging Rhensius’ own sound art, poetry, interviews, and musical compositions.


Philipp Rhensius is an editor for Norient, writer, musician, sound artist, sociologist & musicologist, and curator from Berlin. His work investigates the connections between the micro- and macro-political and is driven by the idea that «feeling the chains» is the moment when emancipation begins. His music and sound art projects (, aphtc, Alienationst) merge sonic fiction with sardonic poetry and visceral sound. His texts are published in i.e. Taz, Spex, FAZ, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, WOZ and several book volumes. In late 2024, he started to write the autopoetic column Was Macht Mich in taz. He runs the music label Arcane Patterns and hosts a monthly podcast on Noods Radio. Follow him on Instagram, his Website, or LinkedIn.


Ryoichi Kurokawa is a Japanese artist, born in 1978. He lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Kurokawa’s works take on multiple forms such as installation works, recordings, and concert pieces. He composes the time sculpture with the field recordings and the digital generated structures, and reconstructs architecturally the audiovisual phenomenon. In recent years, his works are shown across the world at international festivals and museums including TATE Modern, Centre Pompidou, Venice Biennale, Palais de Tokyo, ARS Electronica, Mutek. Follow her on Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Spotify, or on her Website.

Published on November 01, 2021

Last updated on March 04, 2024


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