Underground Sounds from Buenos Aires

Norient Snap by Adrienn Csaszar
Underground Sounds from Buenos Aires

In this playlist by Argentinian musician Leandro Ramírez aka El Murki we dive into the experimental sounds of the musical underground of Buenos Aires and its surroundings. All tracks belong to artists that he respects a lot and that influenced him in many ways.

Quote: Leandro Ramírez

Norient Mix: «Reverse»

Norient Snap by Arlene
Norient Mix: «Reverse»

With his project, Koeosaeme, Japanese artist Ryu Yoshizawa draws on the sonics of abstract electronics to create a spellbinding sense of controlled chaos. Listen to his new mix on experimental artists that have influenced him. Presented by Norient.

Design: Arlene
Sound: Junn

Sounds of Pakistan: Alien Panda Jury

Norient Snap by Hossain Fahad
Sounds of Pakistan: Alien Panda Jury

A group of students, musicologists, and musicians at the Humboldt University of Berlin aimed to reach out to contemporary artists from underground scenes in Pakistan. An interview with Anaasir aka Alien Panda Jury about his hybrid music project «Mandal».

Design: Hossain Fahad, Akaliko Collective
Photo: Daniel Arthur Panjwaneey
Sound: Anaasir
Remix: Miss Auto, Akaliko Collective

Kultsounds: Der Tape Slow-Down-Effekt

Norient Snap by Uno
Kultsounds: Der Tape Slow-Down-Effekt

Im Buch «Kultsounds – Die prägendsten Klänge der Popmusik 1960-2014» geht der Pianist, Komponist und Wissenschaftler Immanuel Brockhaus auf die Suche nach prägenden Einzelsounds der Popmusikgeschichte.

Design: Uno Design
Sound: Joy Division

Lonely Artists Today: Jonathan Ward

Norient Snap by Ali Sayah

Jonathan Ward is the founder of the free music archive Excavated Shellac (USA). In this short quote from the Norient book «Seismographic Sounds» he tells about what makes him feeling lonely as a music enthusiast.

Quote: Jonathan Ward
Design: Ali Sayah
Sound: Ali Sayah

Ratkiller: Meta Music for the 21st Century

Norient Snap by Juliana Adhikary
Ratkiller: Meta Music for the 21st Century

The Estonian musician Ratkiller is a master of intertextuality. His recent album «Dreamhammer» is full of samples from different sources: from Death Metal to 1980s Funk or porn movies. A review comment.

Design: Juliana Adhikary
Photo: Ratkiller
Sound: Miss Auto

Finding Unity Through Sound

Norient-Snap by Arlene
Finding Unity Through Sound

In their self-produced podcast the Finnish underground punk band Olimpia Splendid talk about existential loneliness, the economic depression, their own DIY approach, and their music video «Jukka-Pekka».

Quote: Heta Bilaletdin
Design: Arlene
Sound: Junn

Sampling Stories Vol. 10: YATTA

Sampling Stories Vol. 10: YATTA

It is the very discrete mixture of samples, jazz vocals, folk spirit, live instrumentation and experimental electronics that characterizes the weird and beautiful song sketches of interdisciplinary artist Yatta Zoker from Brooklyn, NY.

Quote: YATTA
Sound: Aam Taateel

Reclaiming the Streets of Accra

Norient Snap by Ahmad Hammoud
Reclaiming the Streets of Accra

Seit sechs Jahren findet das Chale Wote Street Art Festival in Accra statt – und ist ein Ort der radikalen Inklusion. Das kostenlose Event in Ghanas Hauptstadt zeigt moderne Kunst auf der Strasse statt in schicken Galerien.

Photo: Nii Kotei Nikoi

Dance Away Your Origin: Nídia

Dance Away Your Origin: Nídia

There has always been a compulsive instinct to locate music geographically. But didn't it stand for a world without borders? The new album of the club music producer Nídia could decolonize music with hyperactive, hybrid and bass-heavy sounds.

Sound: Aam Taateel

Sounds of Pakistan: The D/A Method

Norient Snap by Ali Sayah
Sounds of Pakistan: The D/A Method

The progressive rock band The D/A Method has been described as a unique addition to the Pakistani music landscape. With Gali Films and its director Kamal Khan, they recently published a video clip of the song «The Desert Journey». An interview.

Design: Ali Sayah
Sound: Ali Sayah