DIY or Die: Budapest Beneath the Surface

Episode 11 of the «Timezones» podcast series delves into Budapest’s independent arts and music scene in the wake of the latest Hungarian parliamentary elections in April 2022.
Episode 11 of the «Timezones» podcast series delves into Budapest’s independent arts and music scene in the wake of the latest Hungarian parliamentary elections in April 2022.
In this sonic fiction, our writer depicts the Moroccan avant garde band Nass El Ghiwane as straying birds in search of a different life.
Listen to this playlist with a selection of tracks from the city’s underground producers.
Listen to this playlist of artists from Beirut. This selection features new and older releases by musicians across musical genres.
An introductory text to the Online Special «Norient City Sounds: Beirut». Special curator and writer Rayya Badran asks: what are the sounds of the aftermath of a collapse?
In a text that fleshes out past events from Rami Sabbagh’s life in Beirut, the filmmaker discusses the often perilous entanglement of politics, music, and sound.
The Indonesian summer is very hot. It’s when our writer shelters at home listening to music, only to realize that the state between slumber and consciousness can not be as innocent as it used to be.
Listen to this playlist of artists from Durham and their current releases. This selection by Durham-based artist Debt Stalker is a collection of tracks that compliment both the physical terrain of the city and the ever-changing DIY electronic music scene in the region.
Listening to live music outside can be a life changing experience. For our author, it set nothing less than the pathway of his life.
Listen to this playlist of artists from Montevideo and their current releases. With his selection of talented artists, Montevideo-based music producer and DJ Pobvio attempts to show the diversity of the Uruguay underground music scene.
Listen to this playlist of artists from New York and their current releases. It’s a selection of things that NYC-born and based sound practitioner Geng PTP has been returning to, over and over again.