Rami Sabbagh

Rami Sabbagh was born in Beirut in July 1979 and is a video artist, film editor, and musician. Formally trained in cinematographic photography, he turned to writing and directing because of aesthetic frustrations and technical shortcomings. In 2000, he discovered the disappeared work of Lebanese avant-garde filmmaker Christian Ghazi and worked with him on his last documentary Coffin of the Memory in 2001.

Sabbagh’s videos 2mg of Rotten Blood on Pure White Snow (2006) and The Laser Hero (2011) oscillate between fiction and video art with the use of latent dramatic outcomes that render narration abstract. Between 2013 and 2018, Sabbagh participated in the foundation and artistic direction of Dawawine, a multi-purpose space in Beirut for which he was a bookseller and programmer of thematic film and video screenings. In 2019, he continued to question the figure of the hero in cinematographic fiction, the influence of Sufi poetry on politics and the relationship between text and image with a first medium-length film Imperfect Unless Performed in Blood.

With Sharif Sehnaoui he co-directed Topologie d’une absence (2020), an experimental documentary that offers a response and a poetico-fictional interpretation of archival images from Pathé Gaumont filmed in Beirut during the French mandate of Lebanon.

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