Norient City Sounds: Bogotá (Map)

The fourth edition of Norient City Sounds dives into Bogotá’s diversity, unveiling many cities existing at once, where creativity thrives amidst widespread struggle. NCS Bogotá explores the city’s margins, revealing its contradictions through a mix of genres, backgrounds, and influences. NCS Bogotá spotlights the city’s plurality, showing how its people reclaim public spaces and celebrate their defiant existences through vibrant nightlife and boundary-crossing music. A Norient Online Special, curated by Luisa Uribe, a Bogotá-based writer and cultural manager.
La cuarta edición de Norient City Sounds se sumerge en la diversidad de Bogotá, develando las muchas ciudades que existen simultáneamente, aquellas en las que la creatividad prospera en medio de luchas constantes. NCS Bogotá explora los márgenes de la ciudad, revelando sus contradicciones a través de una mezcla de géneros, antecedentes e influencias. NCS Bogotá destaca la pluralidad de la ciudad, mostrando cómo su gente reclama espacios públicos y celebra sus existencias, usualmente leídas como desafiantes a través de una vibrante vida nocturna y música que cruza fronteras. Un especial en línea de Norient, curado por Luisa Uribe, escritora y gestora cultural con sede en Bogotá.
Contents: Interactive Map
Click on the icons and scroll down to explore the content of this Special below the map.
«We have parties and early mornings that feel eternal as if the entire world is at our disposal.»
«It is lost in a dim labyrinth between street passages, disjointed phrases, and above all rhythm.»
«Creating new ways of understanding ourselves and our unclassifiable style.»
«The soundscape is active and dynamic because we are part of it.»
«Between identities and genres, a queer, mestizo, and anthropophagous practice was configured.»