Juliana Acero

Juliana Acero is a graphic and communication designer with a deep conviction for social design, new narratives, and the constant exploration of Colombian graphics and culture. Her career has focused on the creation and development of creative and narrative concepts that capture the essence of diverse projects and communicate their stories in a way that is true to themselves and as new paths of imagination and thought in the face of the system we live in. Acero is currently living in The Hague, The Netherlands, where she is pursuing a Master’s degree in non-linear narratives.
She explores the union of journalism, research, design, and art. Since her arrival in Europe as a transient home, her body has begun to manifest all her Latin American knowledge, materializing in objects, illustrations, and narratives. These artistic expressions are powerful tools loaded with meaning, allowing exploration of feelings and emotions as the primary material for research and (graphic) creation. Through her work, busco, she contributes to the creation of a feminist Latin futurism, where human relationships and relationships with nature are our guides for envisioning the future. A collective future based on care infrastructures that materialize from grassroots actions to becoming policies of care.