Slow shutter image of moving car lights (photo: Emma Nzioka)

Animal Farm: Who Has Got the Right to Move Freely

Panel Discussion
Nairobi, Malindi, Montreal, Berlin, Bern
PROGR, kleine Bühne (1. OG, Ost)

w/ Ogutu Muraya (online, Malindi), Eric Sumba (online, Nairobi/Berlin), Maguette Dieng (Barcelona)
moderated by Enma Nzioka (Nairobi) and Justin Doucet (online, Nairobi/Montreal)

Sprache/language: English

Unsere Mission ist es, Hindernisse zu beseitigen, die afrikanische Künstler behindern, und die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb einer globalen Gemeinschaft zu fördern. In einer von Angst und Intoleranz geprägten Welt ruft die Initiative Pass Pass aus Kenia zu globaler Reisefreiheit durch die Beseitigung von Grenzen und Beschränkungen auf. In dieser Bubble diskutieren mit wir Aktivist*innen und politische Entscheidungsträger*innen diese Probleme, aber auch Strategien für unsere Kampagne für grenzenlose Communitys.

Our mission is to remove obstacles hindering African artists, fostering collaboration within a global community. In a world marked by fear and intolerance, the Kenyan-based initiative Pass Pass calls for global unity by eliminating borders and movement restrictions. In this bubble, we gather activists and policymakers to discuss these issues but also strategies for our campaign for borderless communities.


presented by

Beteiligte Personen / Involved People


Emma Mbeke Nzioka is a multifaceted artist based in Nairobi, Kenya. Winner of the Cinematographer of the Year 2021 WIFA (Women in Film Award) and primary Director of Photography (DOP) in the award-winning feature documentary «No Simple Way Home» (2022), Emma is also an activist and educator. She is the founder of «Pass Pass», an initiative dedicated to empowering African artists, promoting free movement, global collaboration, and sustainable livelihoods, with a focus on restoring dignity to cultural practitioners. Emma works for Sim Sima and is a DJ and producer under the name Coco Em. Nzioka is the artistic director of the 13th Norient Festival edition in 2024. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, X, Spotify, or SoundCloud, Localeur, and 500px.


Eric Otieno Sumba is a writer, editor, and independent researcher with a background in social theory, political economy, postcolonial studies, and art criticism. He is currently editor (publication practices) at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin. Recent editorial projects include the O Quilombismo album, and the O Quilombismo reader (both HKW/Archive Books, 2023), as well as the poetry collection Rage and Desire (Spazio Griot, 2022). His writing has been published in Contemporary And, Africa is a Country, Lolwe, The Guardian, Griotmag, Frieze, Sleek, Nataal, Monopol, Texte zur Kunst, and Camera Austria, among others. Follow him on his Website.


Ogutu Muraya is a storyteller, performance artist, and writer, with a profound curiosity in the connection between the spiritual and the neurological, between realms of thinking and meaning, change and understanding. Ogutu’s work is embedded in the practice of Orature. He searches for new forms of storytelling where socio-political aspects merge with the belief that art is an important catalyst for questioning certainties. He studied international relations at the United States International University-Africa in Nairobi/Kenya and graduated from the Academy of Theater and Dance at the University of the Arts in Amsterdam/Netherlands with an MA in 2016. Ogutu is based in Malindi, Kenya where he continues his artistic practice through his company Studio Panda-Shuka. Follow him here.


Maguette Dieng (Mbodj) is a DJ, selector, and member of Jokkoo, a Barcelona-based musical artistic collective set up with the intention and need to explore and disseminate the most contemporary electronic sound and the avant-garde scene from the African continent and its diaspora. Follow her on Instagram.


Justin Doucet is a music curator and journalist. He’s the current head of live performance and music programming at Santuri East Africa. He honed his skills producing and presenting content in English and in French for radio stations and online platforms such as CBC Podcasts or Boiler Room. He has also written articles and co-authored op-eds in newspapers and journals such as Le Devoir, Revue Liberté, or Montreal Gazette. He has curated performances for Suoni Per Il Popolo Festival, Beneath The Baobabs Festival, and Boiler Room. Justin has worked on campaigns for migrant workers rights in Montreal including frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This included advocating for resident status and the right for safe working conditions and adequate wages. Follow him on Instagram, and LinkedIn.
