A Walk in the Summer

Sound Piece
by Ziad Moukarzel

It’s a difficult endeavor to sonify the atmosphere of dread and fatigue felt by many residents in Beirut, Lebanon, during the summer of 2021. And yet, Ziad Moukarzel attempts to do just that on his short walk in the city where one could hear the heightened sounds of machines and the muffled utterances of people. In the absence of words to describe this difficult summer, Moukarzel allows us to auscultate the sounds of everyday life.

«A Walk in the Summer» captures one of my regular walks from the studio to my place. I attached the recorder to my laptop bag and recorded while walking on different days and taking different roads. I recorded some bits around the house and some in the studio too. I generated music using the ambiance recorded, and stopped to listen when there was silence. I was trying to catch the mundane without focusing on one thing, just a general overall feeling: the sound of my walking, the sound of the street, the generator, and the distorted audio. The dialogues are inaudible, interrupted, and/or unfinished.

The summer of 2021, like the one before it, like a lot of other summers, was uneasy, to say the least. The city had survived a blast, but little did we know that the ongoing downfall was not yet over.

This sound piece is part of the virtual exhibition «Norient City Sounds: Beirut» curated and edited by Rayya Badran.


Ziad Moukarzel is a music producer, lecturer, studio engineer, and co-founder of the Beirut Synthesizer Center. He is managing partner at Woodwork Sound Studio where he handles music recording, mixing and mastering, and designs sound for podcasts and radio shows, moving images and performing arts. His musical fluidity allows him to explore new possibilities in sound to expand his spectrum. Moukarzel is a live electronic music artist and DJ, always looking for collaborations, the list of artists he has worked with includes classical and rock musicians as well as experimental musicians and sound artists. His solo work has been featured recently in The Listening Biennial 2021 and at the Gangwon International Triennale 2021. His expertise and knowledge enables him to organize electronic music production workshops, to support artist residencies, and to teach at the University of Balamand, Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts, as Sound Instructor for first- and second-year cinema students. Follow him on Instagram.



Beirut Adrift.
Beirut Adrift
A very personal selection of tracks from Beirut, Lebanon, that captures the shifts from sorrow to riotous urges, from surrender to escape, from remembrance to lapses of memory.

Published on August 25, 2022

Last updated on December 18, 2023


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