Autonomous Art of Uncertain Life in Yogyakarta
This podcast reveals the current situation and condition of art in Yogyakarta by tracing artistic works and cultural actions from the early days of the national awakening to contemporary times. A series of statements, poems, plays, songs, and conversations that talk about identity, collective work, the art ecosystem, the position of art in society, to its imagination in the future are presented through live performances in the recording studio by Wok the Rock, Gunawan Maryanto (Alm.), and Ramberto Agozhalie.
This podcast was recorded in May 2021 and released in December 2021 to commemorate Gunawan Maryanto who left us suddenly on October 6, 2021. Hopefully, he and his work will always inspire and become a reference for the emergence of new and progressive initiatives in Indonesia and beyond.
Download transcript including translations of the parts in Indonesian here.
Indonesian Version
Podcast ini mengungkap situasi dan kondisi seni di Yogyakarta di masa kini dengan menelusuri karya seni dan aksi budaya di awal masa kebangkitan nasional hingga masa kontemporer. Serangkaian pernyataan, puisi, drama, lagu, dan percakapan yang membicarakan identitas, kerja kolektif, ekosistem seni, posisi seni dalam masyarakat, hingga imajinasinya di masa depan ditampilkan melalui pertunjukan langsung di studio rekaman oleh Wok the Rock, Gunawan Maryanto (Alm.), dan Ramberto Agozalie. Rekaman berlangsung pada bulan Mei 2021.
Podcast ini dirilis untuk mengenang kepergian Gunawan Maryanto yang telah lebih dahulu meninggalkan kita secara mendadak pada tanggal 6 Oktober 2021. Semoga beliau beserta karyanya selalu memberikan inspirasi dan menjadi acuan bagi munculnya inisiatif-inisiatif baru dan progresif.
The Artists

A podcast by Wok the Rock and Gunawan Maryanto
Additional Drums by Ramberto Agozalie
Wok the Rock is an artist who uses various disciplines of art, culture, and collective organising as a tool for the development of creativity and new thinking with a popular and experimental approach. He is involved in various arts and cultural initiatives such as MES 56, Yes No Wave Music, Indonesia Netaudio Forum, and is currently the co-curator of Nusasonic, a platform for sounds and music in Southeast Asia and Europe. Lives and works in Yogyakarta.
Wok the Rock adalah seniman yang menggunakan berbagai macam disiplin seni, budaya dan pengelolaan kolektif sebagai alat untuk pengembangan kreativitas dan pemikiran baru dengan pendekatan populer dan eksperimentatif. Ia terlibat di berbagai macam inisiatif seni dan budaya seperti MES 56, Yes No Wave Music, Indonesia Netaudio Forum, dan saat ini adalah ko-kurator Nusasonic. Tinggal dan bekerja di Yogyakarta.
Gunawan Maryanto was an actor, writer, and theater director. He served as Artistic Director of Teater Garasi/Garasi Performance Institute and Indonesian Dramatic Reading Festival. He is widely known as the main actor in the film Solo, Solitute, playing the poet-activist Widji Thukul and as an actor in the film The Science of Fictions for which he won the Citra award for best actor at the Indonesian Film Festival. For Gunawan, openness was an important capital in today’s art and required the ability to continue to learn and work with artists from various art disciplines. Maryanto suddenly left us on October 6, 2021.
Gunawan Maryanto adalah aktor, penulis, sutradara teater. Ia menjabat Direktur Artistik Teater Garasi/Garasi Performance Institute dan Indonesian Dramatic Reading Festival. Ia dikenal luas sebagai aktor utama dalam film Istirahatlah Kata-Kata yang memerankan tokoh penyair-aktivis Widji Thukul dan sebagai aktor dalam film The Science of Fictions di mana ia meraih piala Citra sebagai aktor terbaik dalam Festival Film Indonesia. Bagi Gunawan, keterbukaan adalah modal penting dalam berkesenian di masa sekarang dan diperlukannya kemampuan untuk terus belajar dan bekerja dengan seniman-seniman dari berbagai disiplin seni.
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Ramberto Agozalie is a percussionist who plays music ranging from pop, metal, to experimental. Together with ZOO, he has worked on four concept albums and performed at various music festivals in Indonesia, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and several other European countries. Currently he is also actively involved in the experimental band Setabuhan.
Ramberto Agozalie adalah perkusionis yang memainkan musik mulai dari pop, metal, hingga eksperimental. Bersama ZOO, Ia telah menggarap 4 album-konsep dan tampil di berbagai festival musik di Indonesia, Australia, Jerman, Belanda, dan beberapa negara di Eropa lainnya. Saat ini ia juga aktif tergabung dalam band eksperimental Setabuhan.
Photo Series from the Rehearsals

Explore two playlists of songs and artists from Yogyakarta, curated by Wok the Rock.
All vocals by Wok the Rock and Gunawan Maryanto, except guitar voice from «30 Tahun Pengangguran» by Vandy Rizaldi
Script written by Wok the Rock and Gunawan Maryanto except «The Mobility of the Vagabond Cosmopolitan Artist and Our Cultural Strategy» by Brigitta Isabella, «Yogyakarta» by KLA Project, «30 Tahun Pengangguran» by DOM 65, «Jogja» and «Hati Jogja» by Joko Pinurbo, «Mempertimbangkan Tradisi» by WS Rendra
Recorded by Dhedhi Harmanto and Yossy Herman at Reds Music Studio, Yogyakarta
Mixing and Mastering by Yossy Herman at Lohjinawi Studio, Yogyakarta
Video directed by Arief Budiman
Video camera by Aditya Krisnawan
Video editing by Arief Budiman
Photography by Fajar Riyanto
Published on February 14, 2022
Last updated on May 06, 2022
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