Energetic black metal from Indonesia, experimental hip hop from Egypt, and bass-heavy trap from Slovenia, depicted in harsh cuts and radically colorful imagery that play with your senses. In this ongoing series, launched in 2012, we invite artists, writers, and researchers to curate a playlist of music videos from the country of their residence or origin. Music and sound have often become profitable data traveling at light speed around the globe, generating flat geographies without context. 5 Video Clips from invites listeners to walk, accompanied by the curator’s comments, on the videos’ alternative geographies, and to create their own map of meanings and imaginations.

  • Playlist by Loht Vostok
    Speaking truth through poetry, a devotion to challenging stereotypes and life-affirming beats. Watch a list of videos from the depths of the lively music scenes in Honduras.
  • Playlist by DJ Borş aka Madalina
    In this video list, Moldova-based DJ Borș reflects on the identitarian limbo and relativity of her post-imperialist reality, asking: How are we using music to create multiple directions for our diverse existences?
  • Playlist by Alicia Goveas
    From powwow chanting to dubstep to throat singing to rap – enjoy a new generation of Indigenous artists, who are intertwining bits of contemporary music with ancient Indigenous traditions, for powerful anthems of cultural identity.
  • Playlist by Shiv Ahuja
    A snappy and disorienting selection of music videos to give you a taste of some sights and sounds brewed over years in Delhi sauce.