Five Video Clips from Mexico
In our video clip series we're heading for Mexico this time. Australian author Moses Iten compiled five Mexican clips for Norient between field recordings, Reggaeton and Cumbia. He begins with one of our long time favorites, a sci-fi shaving odyssey starting from the heights of Machu Picchu. But see and read by yourself what he's got for you furthermore.
Artist: Frikstailers
Track: Crop Circles
The team behind this video is Flamboyant Paradise, who really brought the Frikstailers to worldwide attention with their remix of «Hold The Line» by Major Lazer. The Frikstailers duo is originally from Cordoba, Argentina, but in recent years have relocated to the world’s largest metropolis: Mexico City. Their irreverent sense of humour and fun approach to dancefloor music is reflected in their visuals, whilst at the same time a profound commentary on «Latin American» identity, both exploiting and playing with clichés.
Artist: Nortec Collective Presents: Bostich+Fussible
Track: Camino Verde
Nortec Collective have always produced outstanding videos, because is characterized by musicians and video artists work in constant collaboration both conceptually and aesthetically. Both Bostich and Fussible live in the Las Playas neighbourhood where this video was filmed, and another characteristic of their videos are the many personal references made and being in tribute to their beloved city of Tijuana. Bostich+Fussible imagine «Camino Verde» as the name of an imaginary underground metro line in Tijuana, a city well known for it’s lack of civic infrastructure. The masks they are wearing can have many interpretations in the make-believe city of Tijuana.
Artist: Nanda Fernandez Bredillard
Track: Sonidos del Distrito
This is not a video clip produced for a music project, but stands alone as a video for sound art based on field recordings. Nanda captures the vitality of Mexico City in this audio-visual collage of quick edits. Essentially a compilation of documentary footage and field recordings, the composition of this film is very engaging. Nanda also produced a second similar and more polished film focusing on Mexico City’s street food called Vitamina T.
Artist: Sonido Satanas
Track: Santa Tere
Sonido Satanas’ video for their debut EP is homage to their barrio of Santa Tere, in the city of Guadalajara. It is also a tribute to the power of celebration in Cumbia, a dancefloor style hugely popular in Mexico, often danced in the street. It is obvious the dancers filmed in the markets featured in this low-budget clip were convinced to perform on the spot, making this video very representative of the lighthearted nature of Cumbia music and the people who belong to it.
Artist: Silverio
Track: Perro
The underbelly of tropical Mexico is captured in this video produced for perennial bad boy Silverio, self-proclaimed Imperial Majesty of Electro-punk. Reggaeton will never seem quite the same again after you have witnessed this video.
Published on April 18, 2015
Last updated on August 17, 2020
Place remains important. Either for traditional minorities such as the Chinese Lisu or hyper-connected techno producers.
Queer is a verb, not a noun. Thinking & acting queerly is to think across boundaries, beyond what is deemed to be normal.
From westernized hip hop in Bhutan to the instrumentalization of «lusofonia» by Portuguese cultural politics.