For the Norient exhibition «Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World» the Mexican hybrid artist and label owner Julian Bonequi compiled a mixtape taken from live performances, radio shows, and studio recordings from his label Audition Records.
For the Norient exhibition «Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World» the Sri Lanka-based musician and label owner Isuru Kumarasinghe compiled a special experimental music mixtape with sounds from mainly Asia.
War has a sound. For his mix «shots were fired» for the section «war» from «Seismographic Sounds» the Irish radio journalist Bernard Clarke combined news samples with musically deconstructed war sounds.
For the Norient exhibition «Seismographic Sounds» Gizem Oruç aka 6zm compiled a mixtape. It is, in her own words, a collage of works of artists from the bubble she exists in, such as Maria F. Dolores, Zeynep Özcan and Çağrı Erdem.