• Short Essay by Urok Shirhan
    From a Western perspective, non-Western films are expected to be mainly driven by content, to portray the «misery» of the Other. Formal experiments are still rarely appreciated. Read an essay about the need to depart from so-called authenticity towards new stories.
  • Review by Dylan Valley
    With «Beats of the Antonov» Hajooj Kuka paints a beautiful picture of music, war and identity in the Sudanese Blue Nile and Nuba regions. A deep exploration of a nation in an identity crisis.
  • Review by Benedikt Sartorius
    Mit The KLF eroberte Bill Drummond einst die Hitparaden. In Stefan Schwieterts Dokumentarfilm «Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared» ist er jetzt Chorleiter.
  • Short Essay by Adam Harper
    In the past decade, culture was longing for the nostalgic and authentic. The new Internet underground celebrates the contrary: hi-tech, artificiality and kitsch. Is it a critique of capitalism or a capitulation to it? Both and neither, says our author.
  • Radio by Michael Spahr
    Seit 30 Jahren leitet der leidenschaftliche Radiomacher Ken Freedman das älteste amerikanische Gemeinschaftsradio WFMU.