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Norient Academic Online Journal Vol. 3
Creating «the Ultimate Retro-Future»: Music, Nostalgia and Futurity in «Tron» (1982) and «Tron: Legacy» (2010)
Academic Text
by Elizabeth Clendinning
Tron, a computer program champion who fights for the human Users against the megalomaniacal Master Control Program of the ENCOM computer mainframe.
Lusofonia, a (R)Evolução: Discourses of Atlantic Roots and Routes in «Luso World Music»
Academic Text
by Barbara Alge
The development of a «Luso world music», a transnational musical movement that brings together popular and traditional musics of the Portuguese-speaking world and departing mainly from the city of Lisbon.
In Bayern wird randaliert: Bayerischer Mundart-Rap in dei G'sicht!
Academic Text
by Julian Warner
Der Autor beleuchtet, inwieweit sich Akteure im bayerischen Mundart-Rap hegemonialen Diskursen um Sprache, Repräsentation und Rassismus widersetzen.