Hermes Records: Der iranische Labelbesitzer Ramin Sadighi im Gespräch

by Thomas Burkhalter

Der Iranische Musikproduzent Ramin Sadighi hat die ersten zwölf Jahre seines Lebens in Wien verbracht. Kurz vor der Islamischen Revolution 1979 ist er mit seiner Familie nach Teheran gezogen. 1999 gründete er dort sein eigenes Musiklabel Hermes Records: Er hat mittlerweile vierzig CDs mit Neuer Iranischer Musik und Weltmusik veröffentlicht. Im Beitrag spricht er über Musik und Musikproduktion im Iran.

Sprecher: Thomas Burkhalter

Mit den MusikerInnen: Soheil Nafissi, Hossein Alizadeh, Jivan Gasparyan, Nour Ensemble, Iranian Orchestra for New Music, Kayhan Kalhor, Erdal Erzincan, Arash Mitouee, Reza Asgarzadeh und Christophe Rezai.


Thomas Burkhalter, PhD, is an anthropologist, multidisciplinary artist, and writer from Bern, Switzerland. He is the founder and director of Norient and the Norient Festival. Burkhalter has co-directed documentary films, including Contradict (Berner Filmpreis 2020, Al-Jazeera Witness), and created AV/theatre performances. He is the author and co-editor of several books, such as Local Music Scenes and Globalization: Transnational Platforms in Beirut (Routledge) and The Arab Avant Garde: Musical Innovation in the Middle East (Wesleyan University Press). His experimental radio feature, Gqom Edits – A Durban Visit, was nominated for the Prix Europa in 2017. Burkhalter teaches regularly at universities, leads workshops for arts institutions, and, since 2022, has produced the Norient Mixtape for Swiss National Radio SRF3. Currently, Burkhalter's focus lies on his new music/AV duo, Melodies In My Head, and the podcast Long Take: Life as an Artist. Burkhalter’s work combines personal and global perspectives, often in close collaboration with artists and thinkers from across the world. Follow him on Instagram, Research Gate,, Bandcamp, Spotify, or Meta.

Published on July 26, 2010

Last updated on August 13, 2020


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