From political music in the GDR, the trouble of punk musicians in China and the dangerous life of kurdish folk singers in Turkey.

  • Podcast by Thomas Burkhalter
    In this episode of «Long Take: Life as an Artist», we meet Bangladeshi rapper Skibkhan, a member of the pioneering hip hop crew Deshi MCs. He delves into the creative process behind his lyrics and explores his role and responsibilities as a rapper in Dhaka.
  • Playlist by Fari Bradley
    Around this enormous, ancient country in five music videos, Iran’s vibrant creative scene thrives despite censorship and oppression. Western music is frowned upon, dancing and women singing in public are illegal, and yet musicians reach the exiled diaspora via the internet.
  • Podcast by Ali Gul Pir
    «TIMEZONES» – Episode 19. This episode gives you a feel of what it’s like to be an artist in Karachi, Pakistan. A city of a million plus dreams, hopes, and problems. According to Ali Gul Pir, the most misunderstood place in the world.
  • Interview by Sumangala Damodaran
    Sumangala Damodaran situates Delhi as a site for the unfolding of a radical imaginary through music. She shares her artistic journeys in the city and recent work that traces a thick constellation of connections between Afroasian contemporary musics and migratory movements.