«Dick, Pussy, and Ass for Everyone»

Norient Snap by Natascha Orestes
«Dick, Pussy, and Ass for Everyone»

Dancing women at a pool party, mens with guns and barbecued sausages. An attempt of understanding the music video «Pau, Perereca e cu - PPC» by the Brazil musicians Harmonia do Sampler.


Black MIDI: Notes Like Bullets

There is a ysterious beauty in waching millions of colorfu bars falling down the screen.
Black MIDI: Notes Like Bullets

An average pop song counts around one thousand notes, while a typical Black MIDI track is several millions. Black MIDI composers – called «Blackers» – try to challenge computers, ears, and eyes with enormous numbers of super-short and dense notes.

Sound: Aam Taateel
Remix: Aam Taateel

Overthrust: Exotismus im Death Metal

Overthrust: Exotismus im Death Metal

Die botswanische Death Metal-Band Overthrust tourte 2016 durch Deutschland. Sie trafen auf offene Ohren, aber auch geschlossene Weltbilder. War es der Kunst-Kontext des Theaters, der den Exotismus-Faktor offenbarte?

Sound: Aam Taateel

Facing Racism and Sensationalism

Facing Racism and Sensationalism

Hamed Sinno is the lead singer of the Lebanese alternative rock band Mashrou' Leila. In this podcast he talks about belonging, identity, and representation. And about what does it mean to make music as a Lebanese artist in a global context.

Sound: Aam Taateel

Sampling Stories Vol. 8: Dubokaj

Norient Snap by Uno
Sampling Stories Vol. 8: Dubokaj

Digging samples in the tracks of Daniel Jakob led me to two interesting potentials of the production method: sampling as a hidden means of producing tracks and sampling of ambient sounds as cultural signifiers.

Design: Uno Design
Remix: Annafruit

Inner Station Soil

Norient Snap by Ali Sayah
Inner Station Soil

In this photo series we explore the Israeli underground scene around experimental sound artists such as Meira Asher or David Opp. Portrayed in their home environments the they show the artists in connection or disconnection from the region they live in.

Design: Ali Sayah
Sound: Ali Sayah

Das Musikvideo auf der Couch

Norient Snap by Ali Sayah
Das Musikvideo auf der Couch

Anlässlich des 2014 erschienenen Musikvideos «Du verwachsch wieder nume i dinere Wonig» von Stahlberger, blickt unser Autor auf die Geschichte des Mediums Musikvideo zurück und dekonstruiert die Codes von Bandvideos.

Design: Ali Sayah
Sound: Stahlberger
Remix: Ali Sayah

Karachi Noise

Karachi Noise

In Karachi, Pakistan, very early in the morning, you hear the birds. Then, around seven, buses and rickshaws tune in. Then more and more people. They don’t talk here, they yell. A short quote from the Norient book «Seismographic Sounds».

Sound: Aam Taateel

Italian Trap

Italian Trap

A new generation of Italian trap has quickly re-appropriated the music and made it the most bottom-up, teenage-oriented repertoire to make it into Italian mainstream media and music charts in the last couple of years.

Sound: Aam Taateel

Twisting Cultural Codes – Trap in Italy

Twisting Cultural Codes – Trap in Italy

Trap has conquered Italy's Charts with its own idiosyncratic take. Artists descended from  immigrants raise political issues in an European society that is seeing ever-growing support of right wing ideas.

Quote: Tommy Kuti
Sound: Aam Taateel

Dark – Different – Durban

Norient Snap by Imtiaz Nasir
Dark – Different – Durban

Gqom edit 004 / Experimenting with interview formats // We meet gqom producer Dominowe in his house in Newlands East in Durban to discuss what this dark electronic music genre is all about.

Quote: Dominowe
Design: Imtiaz Nasir, Akaliko Collective
Sound: Dhaka Dub Hierarchy