Natacha Orestes

Natacha Orestes aka #ProjetoHisteria is a Latin lesbian DJ/writer/multimedia artist who mixes narratives to benefit survivors of sex based violence like domestic violence/rape/sexual exploration, specially in Latin America. As a radical gender critical lesbian artist, she perceives gender as sexual pact between Males & States around the world, which results on structural and sistematic ownership, slavery and domestication of females by reproductive labor.
In Brazil, she leads a movement to revoke a law based in a pedophile eugenist doctor called Richard Gardner whose theories defines pedophilia as good to human surviving, serving procreation purposes. Gardner is the creator of PAS, parental alienation syndrom – totally junk science – that is used against mothers who tryies to protect children from rapist fathers world wide.
Also, she leads a female artistic movement in Brazil called Mulher Artista Resista, which means Women Artist Resist, about to reach 19k #MulherArtistaResista tags on Instagram, forming a digital exhibition of female contemporany art in real time. Follow #ProjetoHisteria digital contents at @brasilcontrasap.
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