Cumbia Nights with the Sound System

When Sonidero DJs in Mexico build up their huge sound systems in the streets a long night of dancing lies ahead. Mirjam Wirz documented these «Bailes» and has published the photo-book «Sonidero City».
When Sonidero DJs in Mexico build up their huge sound systems in the streets a long night of dancing lies ahead. Mirjam Wirz documented these «Bailes» and has published the photo-book «Sonidero City».
For its series «5 video clips from...» Norient asked electronic musician Faisal Khan to send his favorite video clips from his home country Bangladesh. The result: a versatile collection from Bangla Alter Rock to Hip Hop.
Rudolf von Steiger verwandelt wissenschaftliche Daten in Musik. Im Interview spricht der Weltraumphysiker über sonische Phänomene im All und erklärt, weshalb er die Utopie der Marsbesiedelung für Unsinn hält.
Vinyl ist auch im Bereich der experimentellen Musik angesagt. Die Edition DUMPF und ihr Gründer Martin Lorenz orientieren sich aber weniger am Trend, als an der Tradition der Turntablisten. Ein Porträt.
It was on February 11, 2014, in the Kariakoo neighbourhood in Dar es Salaam when I learned the sad news: The tape is on the brink of extinction.
Norient keeps searching for new sounds and puts together a monthly selection from Soundcloud. Enjoy or skip through tracks from upcoming and well-known artists from a wide variety of places. And read what some artists wrote about their tracks.
2013 überraschten die Berner Indie-Electropopper aus Bern mit einem knalligen Video zu ihrem Sommerhit «Estavayeah». Für Norient kommentieren Jeans for Jesus ihre wichtigsten Einflüsse von Gangsta-Rap bis Surrealismus.
As some of you know, there is a new movement coming from de Rio de Janeiro, in a new style called Rasterinha. Some producers call it raggafunk or axé funk. An brief introduction to a new genre.
In 2012, Switzerland has presented it's Inventory of Living Traditions in Switzerland. Some of the listed practices of intangible cultural heritage have inspired Patrica Jäggi to create her own list – a suspenseful sound montage.
An aural assemblage of field recordings from various locations across Syria, made in April and May 2011. The composition is a great example of suspense and orchestration of ready-made sounds.