Acuafonías Bogotanas

Immerse yourself in a sonic journey through the waters of Bogotá, where human and non-human voices narrate the story of Colombia’s capital. As it traverses the city, sometimes visible and sometimes hidden underground, it captures the myriad voices and sounds that inhabit and interact with the river. This third soundscape in the Acuafonías series invites you to attentively listen to the waters that flow through us all.

It is recommended to use headphones while listening // Se recomienda usar audífonos mientras escucha

encuentre una versión en español de este texto a continuación

Watch a video version of the soundwalk with English subtitles here: 

This sound tour starts with a water source in the Cruz Verde moor. The water flows down the eastern hills of Bogotá during dry season and crosses the city, sometimes superficially and other times underground. It captures the human and non-human voices and sounds that inhabit the city and relate to the river, directly and indirectly.

I took this tour accompanied by Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, an environmentalist who is an expert in wetlands and the various forms of water. He is also my father.

I dedicate this soundscape to him.

Sumérgete en un viaje sonoro a través de las aguas de Bogotá, donde voces humanas y no humanas narran la historia de la capital de Colombia. A medida que atraviesa la ciudad, a veces visible y otras veces oculta bajo tierra, este ejercicio captura la miríada de voces y sonidos que habitan e interactúan con el río. Este tercer paisaje sonoro de la serie Acuafonías te invita a escuchar atentamente las aguas que fluyen a través de todes nosotres.

Este tour sonoro nace con el agua en el páramo de Cruz Verde, se descuelga por los cerros orientales de Bogotá en época seca, y atraviesa la ciudad, a veces superficialmente y otras subterráneamente. Recoge las voces y sonidos humanos y no humanos que habitan la ciudad y que se relacionan con el río, directa e indirectamente.

Hice este recorrido acompañado de Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, un ambientalista experto en humedales y las diversas formas del agua, que además es mi padre.

A él dedico este paisaje.

This soundwalk is part of the virtual exhibition «Norient City Sounds: Bogotá», curated and edited by Luisa Uribe.


Nicolás Gutiérrez García is a soundscapist. He has a Master’s in music with an emphasis in sound engineering and is part of the Tembe Laboratorio Sonoro. He has explored sound from various fronts: music, soundscapes, sound installations, podcasts, radio, and audiovisual products. He was awarded for the best sound piece in the «Narratives around the Magdalena River» call for «Acuafonías del Magdalena», granted by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia in 2022, and the Simón Bolívar award for the production of the podcast Padre, Tierra, among others. Follow him on Instagram.


Tembe Laboratorio Sonoro is a company that navigates between social research and sound creation with the aim of developing cultural projects and new participatory methodologies focused on education with a territorial and environmental approach. This initiative is based on collaborative work with other artists, researchers, territories, and institutions that share the interests of our projects. It is also a space designed for experimentation and sound research in the fields of acoustic ecology, musicology, intersections between sound and activism, heritage issues, and urban studies. Follow them on Instagram.

Published on August 22, 2024

Last updated on February 19, 2025


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