Rebecca Salvadori

Rebecca Salvadori (1984) is a London-based artist working at the intersection between video art and documentary. She has a long experience in filming environments with a focus on non-hierarchical /chronological layering and sequencing of audio to footage. Her film works act as constellations of highly personal and wilfully elusive heterogeneous elements: multifaceted portraits of moments, people, and environments that can be approached from different angles as they move between personal and transpersonal scales. Over the last 15 years, she has consistently engaged with experimental music, with a great interest in finding ways to connect the moving image with sound practices, live performances and alternative forms of storytelling.
Among many other works, she’s the author of Rave Trilogy (2017–2020), a series of film works dedicated to electronic music shot across Sheffield, London and Morocco’s Agafay desert; The Sun Has no Shadow (2022), an intimate visual journey centered on London’s FOLD club and UNFOLD day rave format; Tresor Tapes (2022), commissioned by TRESOR and reflecting on different ways of approaching personal and collective archives, memory, and club documentation; Messengers (2023), creating a collective dimension through reflections on the nature of friendship and music. Salvadori is the co-founder of Tutto Questo Sentire, an artist-run platform that brings together a group of international researchers to reflect and explore their own personal practices in relation to the experience of sound.
Since 2021, she is part of the international curatorial team of the Norient Festival.
13th Norient Festival
Do/Thu · January 11, 2024
17:00 · 5pm
Panel Discussion (Festival Hub)
PROGR, Stube, Bern/Switzerland
Fr/Fri · January 12, 2024
21:00 · 9pm
Screenings + Live (Block 07)
Dampfzentrale, Bern/Switzerland