Norient releases its multimedial online space «The Now in Sound»

On Music: Life After Music Magazine – The Norient Way

Berlin (DE)

Norient officially releases the new and forward-looking Norient Space «The Now In Sound»: a virtual, transdisciplinary gallery and community platform at the juncture of art, journalism, and cutting-edge research.

The first digital group exhibition will be presented March 5, 2020, at 7 pm and will be celebrated in Berlin at Haus der Kulturen der Welt with international contributors. Theresa Beyer (journalist, Norient) will discuss with Norient contributors from Bangladesh, Egypt, UK, South Africa and Pakistan: Faisal M. Khan (curator, Akaliko Collective), Bryan Little (film director), Kamila Metwaly (musician, curator, music journalist, Savvy Contemporary), Ali Gul Pir (rapper, satirist), along with live music by Sarathy Korwar & the UPAJ Collective, DJ Dis Fig and a keynote from Jenny Fatou MBaye (Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries, City University of London).

Norient Presents the Digital Group Exhibiton «The Now in Sound»

Norient invited fifty co-curators and cultural creatives from 18 countries to take over Norient to engage, reflect, and re-create the material they found in the Norient archive. The results are media-art pieces with a complete new audio-visual identity, a dynamic and experimental hypermedia format called «Snap». The digital exhibition can be seen online and will be brought to the physical space of the HKW as a sneak preview, for the first time and just for one evening.

This digital exhibition is based on the Norient collection (stories, podcasts, videos, and photo-series), which we co-created between 2002 and 2019 with more than 700 contributors (academics, journalists, bloggers, photographers, podcast producers, and filmmakers) from around fifty countries.

The whole idea is inspired by our multi-authored exhibition and book release Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World (2015–2017), which travelled from ZKM Karlsruhe and CTM Festival Berlin to Bern, Milan, London, Cape Town, and Johannesburg, bringing together 30,000 visitors.


The presentation of the new Norient Space «The Now In Sound» features the work of the following curators, artists and producers from 18 countries:

Easterndaze / Lucia Udvardyova feat. Adrienn Szaszar + Csenge Csato + Fausto Mercier + Johanna Marcade Mot + Samčo, brat dážďoviek + Simina Oprescu + Stred Sveta
// Hungary; Serbia; Slovakia; Romania

Faisal M Khan feat. Akaliko Artist Collective (Imtiaz Nasir + Imtiaj Hossain + Akaliko Records + Shadharon Chhobi + Fahad Hossain + Juliana Adhikary
// Bangladesh

SPIME.IM + MADAM + Simona Da Pozzo + Slon + MM/Iokoi + Marco Mercuzio + La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio + Furtherset + Davide Serpetti
// Italy

Svetlana Maraš feat. ŠEJMA FERE + Marija Balubdžić + Vukašin Đelić
// Serbia

Nadia Mounier feat. Kinda Hassan + Ahmad Hammoud
// Libanon; Egypt

Pedro Oliveira feat. GG Albuquerque + Rafael Nascimento
// Mexico

Ali Gul Pir feat. Ali Kazmi + Aam Taateel + Safwan Subzwari
// Pakistan

c0d3 p03try feat. rapo + carlasophie + Flor de Fuego + Arlene
// Argentina

Meira Asher feat. ProjectoHisteria + Basma Bader
// Israel; Brasil

A.Fruit feat. Uno Design + Alexander Dmitriev
// Russia

Daniel Jakob + Bit-Tuner + Simon Berz
// Switzerland

meLê Yamomo feat. tba
// Netherlands

fertig design
// Germany

Lows0n feat. tba
// China

Ali Sayah
// Iran

Sarathy Korwar


Jenny Fatou Mbaye (Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries, City University of London)

Panel Discussion
Theresa Beyer (music and culture journalist, Norient)
Faisal M. Khan (curator, Akaliko Collective)
Bryan Little (director)
Kamila Metwaly (music journalist, musician, curator, Savvy Contemporary)
Ali Gul Pir (rapper, comedian)

Sarathy Korwar (live, The Leaf label)
Dis Fig (DJ)

Jenny Fatou Mbaye (photo: Chadi Ilias)

Panel Diskussion

Biegen wir bald in die post-kritische Zeit ein, in der nur Werbung, Bauchpinselei oder Schock die Öffentlichkeit erreichen? Dass Trump und Co. Medien als Fake beschimpfen, macht Angst. Journalismus, Recherche und Kritik scheinen aber auch in Musik- und Kunstszenen immer weniger erwünscht, weil sie hinter die Images und Brands von Künstler*innen blicken.

Wie begegnen wir als Beobachter*innen der Zeit diesen Selbstinszenierungen? Werden wir weiterhin nahe an Phänomene heranfinden? Können wir Musik und Kunst unterstützen, ihre Magie spüren, und gleichzeitig kritisch sein? Kurz: Wie und wo findet kritisches Denken in Zukunft noch Gehör?

Wie können wir näher an die Phänomene kommen, mehr Perspektiven zulassen, bessere Fragen stellen und exakteres Wissen produzieren? Wie können wir Forschungsergebnisse an verschiedene Öffentlichkeiten vermitteln? Was sind neue Formate, um zeitgenössische Kultur, Musik und Gesellschaften zu diskutieren?

Ali Gul Pir (photo: Nadir Toosy)
