Melodies In My Head: «Joy Anger Doubt» (2024)

Joy Anger Doubt


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Melodies In My Head: Daniel Jakob (music), Thomas Burkhalter (music, video), Ana Van Tendeloo (dance), Ivan Larson (dance), Sophie Adam (voice), Kacey Moore (voice), Christophe Jaquet (voice), Beryll Ryder (sound), Jonas Fehr (video and light), Johanna Hilari (dramaturgy)

Kriege, Klimawandel, Migrationsströme, Krisen und Veränderungen. Wir leben in einer unsicheren Zeit mit unsicherer Zukunft, die niemanden unberührt lässt. Melodies In My Head, die neue Gruppe des Norient-Gründers, Anthropologen und AV-Künstlers Thomas Burkhalter und des Musikers und Produzenten Daniel Jakob (Dubokaj, Dejot), blickt in einer audio-visuellen Show aus vielen Blickwinkeln auf diese Zeit, und hat dazu ein eigenes Konzertformat entwickelt: zwischen Pop und Electro, Anthropologie, Tanz und Film.

«Joy Anger Doubt» ist ein 75-minütiger audiovisueller Konzert-Trip, der mal über pointierte Interviewaussagen, mal über Tanz und Video, mal über atmosphärische bis bedrückende Bilder von dieser Welt von heute spricht. Die Texte stammen grösstenteils aus ethnografischen Interviews, die in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren mit Künstler*innen und Denker*innen in Asien, Afrika, dem Nahen Osten und Europa geführt wurden. Sie legen Zeugnis ab von den vielfältigen Emotionen, die Menschen in turbulenten Zeiten durchleben: Hoffnung, Freude, Ekstase, Depression, Zweifel, Angst, Trauma und Wut.

«Joy Anger Doubt» verarbeitet: die Musik von Melodies In My Head; Choreografien der TänzerInnen Ana Van Tendeloo (Bühnen Bern) und Ivan Larson (Genf, u.a Gilles Jobin); Gesang von Sophie Adam (Zürich), Christophe Jaquet (Lausanne), und Kacey Moore (Accra); Video-Einspieler mit Hitman Kaht (Nairobi), Joy Frempong (Berlin/Zürich) und Balbir Bhujhangy (Birmingham); filmische Sequenzen aus der Schweiz, Asien und Afrika; live generierte Bilder von Jonas Fehr. Das Projekt wird von der Berner Dramaturgin Johanna Hilari begleitet.


Wars, climate change, migration flows, crises, and changes. We live in an uncertain time with an uncertain future that leaves no one untouched. Melodies In My Head, the new group by Norient founder, AV-artist and anthropologist Thomas Burkhalter and musician and producer Daniel Jakob (Dubokaj, Dejot), looks at these times from many angles, and has created a new concert format: between pop and electro, anthropology, dance, and film.

«Joy Anger Doubt» is a 75-minute audiovisual concert trip that speaks of today's world sometimes through pointed interview statements, sometimes through dance and video, sometimes through atmospheric to oppressive images. The texts are largely taken from ethnographic interviews conducted over the last fifteen years with artists and thinkers in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. They bear witness to the diverse emotions people experience in turbulent times: Hope, joy, ecstasy, depression, doubt, fear, trauma, and anger.

«Joy Anger Doubt incorporates»: the music of Melodies In My Head; choreography by dancers Ana Van Tendeloo (Bühnen Bern) and Ivan Larson (Geneva, for example Gilles Jobin); vocals by Sophie Adam (Zurich), Christophe Jaquet (Lausanne), and Kacey Moore (Accra); video interludes with Hitman Kaht (Nairobi), Joy Frempong (Berlin/Zürich) and Balbir Bhujhangy (Birmingham); film sequences from Switzerland, Asia and Africa; live generated images by Jonas Fehr. Accompanied by the Bernese dramaturge Johanna Hilari.

Die meisten Songs und Tracks von Melodies In My Head werden 2024 veröffentlicht. Das limitierte Doppel-Vinyl (300 Stück, 180-Gramm) gibt’s aber schon jetzt über die Webseite der Gruppe. «Vinyl First, Digital Later!»

Most of the songs and tracks from Melodies In My Head will be released in 2024. However, the limited edition double vinyl (300 pieces, 180 gram) is already available on the group's website. "Vinyl first, digital later!"

Melodies In My Head - Vinyl

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Beteiligte Personen / Involved People


Thomas Burkhalter, PhD, is an anthropologist, multidisciplinary artist, and writer from Bern, Switzerland. He is the founder and director of Norient and the Norient Festival. Burkhalter has co-directed documentary films, including Contradict (Berner Filmpreis 2020, Al-Jazeera Witness), and created AV/theatre performances. He is the author and co-editor of several books, such as Local Music Scenes and Globalization: Transnational Platforms in Beirut (Routledge) and The Arab Avant Garde: Musical Innovation in the Middle East (Wesleyan University Press). His experimental radio feature, Gqom Edits – A Durban Visit, was nominated for the Prix Europa in 2017. Burkhalter teaches regularly at universities, leads workshops for arts institutions, and, since 2022, has produced the Norient Mixtape for Swiss National Radio SRF3. Currently, Burkhalter's focus lies on his new music/AV duo, Melodies In My Head, and the podcast Long Take: Life as an Artist. Burkhalter’s work combines personal and global perspectives, often in close collaboration with artists and thinkers from across the world. Follow him on Instagram, Research Gate,, Bandcamp, Spotify, or Meta.


Dejot aka Daniel Jakob (aka Dubokaj) is a Swiss electronica producer, film composer based in the city of Bern. Follow him on Spotify, Facebook, or Instagram.
