8. Norient Musikfilm Festival 2017
Le Bourg
Rue de Bourg 51
1003 Lausanne
Zwinglistrasse 3
9000 St. Gallen
Kino in der Reitschule
Neubrückstrasse 8
3012 Bern

Rue de Bourg 51
1003 Lausanne
Zwinglistrasse 3
9000 St. Gallen
Neubrückstrasse 8
3012 Bern
The Norient exhibition Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World showed and discussed contemporary video clips, tracks and sound art from around the globe. It has been touring from August 2015 to February 2017 around Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Seismographic Sounds is a multi-authored exhibition about new diversity brought forth by digital cultures. It is closely linked to the new Norient book Seismographic Sounds.
The Exhibition
Musicians and Sound Artists all over the world make themselves heard through Soundcloud, YouTube and Twitter. Their tracks, video clips and audio collages challenge known forms and ideals and propose Visions of a New World. They offer surprising, smart and provocative perspectives that are simultaneously reduced, salient and profound. Norient highlights these contemporary artistic positions and argues about their potential and limits with journalists, bloggers, artists and scholars from different places and cultures of knowledge. The exhibition further introduces people behind the scenes in experimental audio podcasts. The exhibition counters pessimistic views that globalisation and digitalisation has led to cultural uniformity and the destruction of the world’s musical heritage.
Ali Gul Pir (Pakistan), Bad Copy (Serbia), Blank Banshee (Canada), Burgerkill (Indonesia), FOKN Bois (Ghana), Gato Diablo (Bolivia), Johannes Kreidler (Germany), Meira Asher (Israel), Olimpia Splendid (Finland), Salome MC (Iran), Stromae (Belgium), Soap&Skin (Austria), Temi DollFace (Nigeria), Umlilo (South Africa), Raed Yassin (Lebanon), and many others.
Podcasts from the exhibition here.
Mixtapes and Playlists: Check here.
Check also the second Norient Book Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World.
2017, January 12–February 11 (PDF): Kornhausforum Bern, Switzerland
2016, November 25–December 23: BASE Milano, Italy
2016, April 2–June 19: Castelgrande Bellinzona, Switzerland
2016, January 30–March 20: CTM Festival / KKB Kunstraum Kreuzberg Berlin, Germany – with special Discourse and Film Program
2015, October 2–November 29: Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) Karlsruhe, Germany
2015, August 14–September 20: Forum Schlossplatz Aarau, Switzerland
Special Events in Milano (PDF)
2016, December 21: Norient Metal Christmas
2016, December 14: Norient Musikfilm Night 1
2016, December 9: R.A.M.E.N – Record. Analyze. Map. Extemporaneous. Nets. An audiovisual live-scoring of Seismographic Sounds through local realities. Curated by MADAM – Many Atoms Develop A Mountain. With: OUS | Eurocrash | Giobia | Details Sound (Matteo Fabbri + Giuseppe Magistro) | The Gluts | Perpetua w/ Turbosafary + Erugiery || Partner elita milano
2016, December 1–4: // S / V / N / Savana MASH 2016 — Sonic Impact Festival, Milano
2016, November 25: Opening Party
Press Quotes
«Seismographic Sounds ist damit ein unverzichtbares Kompendium für kosmopolitische Liebhaber von Popmusik zwischen Lokalem und Globalem, Mainstream und Underground, Techno-Avantgarde und Folklore, Politik und Kommerz.»
Jörg Scheller, Süddeutsche Zeitung
«Wenn der britische Popkritiker Simon Reynolds in seinem Buch Retromania schreibt, er ‹glaube nicht, dass irgendeine Musik im Museum funktioniert, einem Ort der Stille und Etikette›, so kann das für die Ausstellung im Berliner Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien nicht gelten.»
Julian Weber and Jens Uthoff, TAZ
«Exhibiting the internet, here this succeeds surprisingly well.»
Ina Plodroch, German Radio, Deutschlandfunk, Corso
«Einheitsbrei und reine Selbstdarstellung im Internet, wie wir sie von weltbekannten Popstars kennen? In der Ausstellung Seismographic Sounds ist davon keine Spur. Diese Musik-Videos und Podcasts sind nicht Selbstzweck, sondern eben wirklich Seismographen, die feinste Erschütterungen aufzeigen. Und die – mit Text und Bild – einen oft gnadenlos genauen Blick werfen auf ihr jeweiliges Land.»
Jodok Hess, SRF 2 Kultur
Podcasts (Part of the Exhibition)
→ check all exhibition podcasts on the Norient Space
Key Phrase on Global Music (Part of the Exhibition)
→ check all keyphrases on the Norient Space
BASE, Milano (November 25–December 23, 2016)
Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin (January 29–March 20, 2016)
ZKM, Karlsruhe (October 2–November 29, 2015)
Forum Schlossplatz, Aarau (August 14–September 20, 2015)
Built-Up and Inofficial Release Party in Hamburg (June 2015)
Drafts and Tests (Germany and Switzerland 2014–2015)
Imprint Seismographic Sounds
Idea/Concept/Curation/Project Management
Thomas Burkhalter, Theresa Beyer, Hannes Liechti (Bern, Switzerland)
Julien McHardy, Nils Volkmann, Carlotta Werner (Hamburg/Weimar, Germany)
Acoustic Scenography
Jan Paul Herzer and Max Kullmann (hands on sound, Berlin, Germany)
Constructions Exhibition
Nicolai Wienzoschek (Direction), Jens Dralle, Arne Krüger, Nico Krüger, Jens Langsteiner, Doris Pahl (Hamburg, Germany)
Cut Virtual Debate and Subtitles
Stephan Hermann (COUPDOEIL, Bern, Switzerland)
Art Design Exhibition and Book
Annegreth Schärli (gut&schön, Zürich, Switzerland)
Cover Art
Chino Amobi (Richmond, USA)
Copy Editors
Tess McClernon and Meredith Slifkin (English), Anna Trechsel (Deutsch)
Translation Podcasts
German: Wiebke Herbig (Hamburg, Germany), Italian: Nadine Sieber (Locarno, Switzerland)
Speakers Podcasts (German)
Theresa Beyer, Marcus Gammel, Michael Glatthard, Julia Monte, Jay Rutledge, Dania Sulzer, Johannes Stephan, Jan Tschannen, Sascha Wegner
Speakers Podcasts (Italian)
Compagnia V XX ZWEETZ and Radio Gwendalyn: Alan Alpenfelt, Adele Raes, Ulisse Romanò, Anahì Traversi, Adalgisa Vavassori
Many Thanks to
Alan Alpenfelt, Rahel Arnold, Antonia Banz, Andrea Buddensieg, Anna Bürkli, Claudia Gehrig, Irena Germano, Christof Hierholzer, Wenzel Haller, Josiane Imhasly, Hartmut Jörg, Rafael Koch, Walter Leimgruber, Regina Liechti, Michael Luisier, Marie-Kristin Meier, Theo Mossi, Edda Nehmiz, Karoline Oehme, Markus Pawlick, Linnea Semmerling, Yves Scheffelmeier, Martin Schläfke, Nadine Schneider, Thomas Schwab, Anna Trechsel, Peter Weibel, Michèle Zoller
Partners and Funders
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Jubiläumsstiftung Schweizerische Mobiliar | |
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Contributors, Authors, and Artists
Maame Adjei, Sérgio Afonso, Agung, Antti Ahonen, Simon Akindes, Ari Akkermans, Yemi Alade, Ariel Altamirano, Chino Amobi, Mensa Ansah, Nadav Appel, Ben Aqua, Octavio Arriscado, Mona Aurich, Effy B, Bad Copy, Angie Balata, Bonnie Banane, Blank Banshee, Jaimie Baron, Andy Bennett, Joe Bennett, Kalle Berggren, Sandeep Bhagwati, Bishi Bhattacharya, Heta Bilaletdin, Bonde do Rolê, Julian Bonequi, Giacomo Bottà, Laetitia Boulud, Tosyn Bucknor, Burgerkill, Dewis Caldas, B Camminga, Tendai Chari, Fabian Chiquet, Bernard Clarke, Francisco Contreras, A.G. Cook, Jaime Pirata Correa, James Costello, Dylan Culhane, Clemence Cuvelier, Pedro D'Eyrot, Mutombo Da Poet, Emma Dabiri, Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah, Martin Daughtry, Minuit De Lacroix, Heinrich Deisl, Aisha Deme, René Desalmand, Dragana Despotović, Nebojša Despotović, Rudolf Dethu, Kay Dickinson, Big Dipper, Raffael Doerig, Dara Dolunay, Leila Dee Dougan, Jan Dvorak, Rudolf Eb.er, Ebenz, Sonja Eismann, Maha El Nabawi, Espíritu, Christoph Fellmann, C-drík Fermont, Factory Fifteen, Woukianos Fikrou, Grey Filastine, Jonathan Fischer, Norman Fisher-Jones, Jörg Follert, Joy Frempong, Michael Gallusser, Christian Gallusser-Kesseli, Gato Diablo, Rona Geffen, Karima Gehneyei, Daniel Gilman, James Ginzburg, Michael Glatthard, Isabel Gonzalez Toro, Fabián Brocha Gorda, Rodrigo Gorky, Louise Gray, Antye Greie-Ripatti, Luca Gricinella, Vladimir Gruev, Marcel Gschwend (Bit-Tuner), Jérôme Guiot, Henriette Gunkel, Mika Gustafson, Daniel Haaksmann, Ali Haider Habib, Hail Mary Mallon, Zeid Hamdan, Arshia Haq, Matt Hardern, Daniel L. Harle, Adam Harper, Werner Hasler, Helmi, Wiebke Herbig, Johanna Hilari, Miguel Hilari, Charles Hirschkind, Geert-Jan Hobijn, Urs Hofer, Kim Holton, Ismail Hosny, Jasyn Howes, John Hutnyk, Silvana Imam, Werner Jauk, Kamilya Jubran, Jude MC, JungW, Tomasz Jurecki, Keith Kahn-Harris, Jonna Karanka, Antti-Ville Kärjä, Kimi Kärki, Olaf Karnik, Olivia Kastebring, Dominik Kesseli, Pattrick Kessler, Atiyyah Khan, Manal Khan, KIAT, Michael Kinzer, Adam Klein, Kerstin Klenke, Peter Kraut, Johannes Kreidler, Isuru Kumarasinghe, Christian Kuntner, Daniel Künzler, Conrad Ewart Lambert (Merz), Henning M. Lederer, Vladimir Lenhart, Jeffrey Lewis, Ed Linton, Los Tigres Del Norte, Javier Lourenço, Michael Luisier, Holger Lund, Rédha M, M3nsa, Percy Mabandu, Antonio Madureira, Marcus Maeder, Tara Mahadevan, Robin Malau, Aero Manyelo, Svetlana Maraš, Wayne Marshall, Renato Martins, Jenny Fatou Mbaye, Walter Mecca, Yara Mekawei, Julio Mendívil, Gregor Möllers, Christian Müller, Endeguena Mulu, Sarah Murcia, Claudio Musotto, Animal Mystik, Eduardo Navas, Ziad Nawfal, Kamen Nedev, Siya Ngcobo, Nguzunguzu, Christoph Ogiermann, Okmalumkoolkat, Olimpia Splendid, David Oppenheim, Gizem Oruc, Rabah Ourrah, Emmanuel Owusu-Bonsu, Maxime Pasques, Carlos Perez, Samantha Phil-Ebosie, Dave Phillips, Peet Pienaar, Louis J. Pinto, Ali Gul Pir, Anja Plaschg, Javier Polo, Artem Proot, Jovica Radisavljevic, Refantho Ramadhan, Kim Emil Ramstedt, Michael Rebhahn, Hillegonda Rietveld, Petra Rivera-Rideau, Javier Rodriguez, Bernardo Rojas, Flurina Rothenberger, Andreas Ryser, MC Sacerdote, Saku, Taimoor Salahuddin, Maral Salmassi, Salome MC, Cande Sánchez Olmos, Trullesand, Michal Sapir, Benedikt Sartorius, Chris Saunders, Katerina Scioccolina, Sharif Sehnaoui, Oliver Seibt, Jonathan Shannon, Jesse Shipley, Hamed Sinno, James Slater, Jake Slee, Slugabed, Bruno Spoerri, Manuel Stahlberger, Johannes Stephan, Martin Stokes, Stromae, Daniel Swan, Laura Taylor, The Narcicyst, Ana Tijoux, Lucia Udvardyova, Gerald Van Waes, Katyussa Veiga, David Verbuč, Jorge Verdin, Elijah Wald, Jeremy Wallach, Derek Walmsley, Jonathan Ward, Jesse Wheeler, Mirjam Wirz, Lok Yee Wong, Xuman, Raed Yassin, Samson Young, Kateryna Zavoloka, Nabeel Zuberi
Tiny Mixtapes, USA, 24.5.2018, «Isuru Kumarasinghe – Untitled» (Link)
iaspm@journal, Vol. 7, No 1 (2017), Review (PDF, Link)
KulturStattBern, 25.1.2017, «Endlich zu hause» (Link)
Tonspuren, Switzerland, 15.1.2017, «Smalltown Supersound» (Link)
KulturStattBern, 13.1.2017, «Die Welt zu Gast in Bern» (Link)
Der Bund, 12.1.2017, «Der Sex, die Gewalt und das Seelenheil» (Link)
Berner Zeitung BZ, 12.1.2017, «Hautnah und schmerzhaft» (Link)
Berner Kulturagenda, 11.1.2017, «Klingendes Kuriositätenkabinett» (Link)
Soundsblog, Italy, 18.12.2016, «Until the light takes us» (Link)
Holy Metal, Italy, 17.12.2016, «Omaggio al regista Aaron Aities» (Link)
Loud and Proud, Italy, 17.12.2016, «Norient Metal Christmas» (Link)
Metalitalia, Italy, 17.12.2016, «Until the light takes us» (Link)
Eine Welt – das DEZA-Magazin, Switzerland, Nr. 4/12.2016, «Die neuen Stimmen der Welt» (PDF)
Songlines, UK, 12.2016, No. 123, Book Review (PNG)
Exibart.com, Italy, 30.11.2016, Review (Link)
Soundwall.it, Italy, 23.11.2016, «Il mondo in una mostra» (Link)
Rolling Stone, Italy, 23.11.2016, «Milano racconta i suoni del mondo» (Link)
Noisey/Vice, Italy, 22.11.2016, «La mostra contro ogni muro e divisione musicale» (Link)
The Parallel Vision, Italy, 20.11.2016, «Milano ospita le visioni di un nuovo mondo (Link)
Wired, Italy, 16.11.2016, «Arriva in Italia il festival Seismographic Sounds» (Link)
Beat & Style, Italy, 09.11.2016, Event Note (Link)
Funweek Milano, Italy, 11.2016, Event Note (Link)
Bubblecumclub, South Africa, 18.10.2016, «Musical Fragments of a World-in-the-Making» (Link)
Neural, Italy, No. 53/Winter 2016, Book Review (PDF)
Corriere della sera/La città nuova, Italy, 21.06.2016, «Visioni musicali di un mondo nuovo» (Link)
RSI Rete Tre, Switzerland, 31.05.2016, «Suoni dal mondo in mostra a Bellinzona»
Easterndaze, Czech Republic, 16.05.2016, «Easterndaze @ CTM Festival» (Link)
Il Corriere del Ticino, Switzerland, 11.05.2016, «La musica è il polso di mille realtà» (PDF)
Gonzo Circus, Netherlands, No. 133, 05-06/2016, Book Review (Link)
Samora, Norway, 03-04/2016, «Sinnsutvidende antologi» (PDF)
The Wire, UK, No. 386, 04/2016, Book Review (PDF)
RSI Rete Due, Switzerland, 13.04.2016 and 18.04.2016, Reteduecinque
RSI Rete Uno, Switzerland, 10.04.2016, Interview with Co-Curator Theresa Beyer (Link)
RSI La 1, Switzerland, 09.04.2016, «Seismographic Sounds nel Castelgrande» (Video)
Il Corriere del Ticino, Switzerland, 01.04.2016, «Uno spaccato della musica internazionale» (PDF)
La Regione, Switzerland, 01.04.2016, «Fra sonorità e visioni nuove» (PDF)
RSI Rete Tre, Switzerland, 31.03.2016, Interview with Co-Curator Theresa Beyer
Goethe Institute Japan, Germany/Japan, 03/2016, «Post-digitale Konversationen» (Link)
Azione, Switzerland, 29.03.2016, «Norient, e le normali musiche d’altrove» (PDF)
Dailymetal, Spain, 14.03.2016, «The Future of Music is Diversity» (Link)
The Quietus, UK, 09.03.2016, «Welcome To The New World Order» (Link)
Easterndaze, Czech Republic, 08.03.2016, «Easterndaze Mix for Norient's Exhibition» (Link)
Soundwall.it, Italy, 03.03.2016, «CTM Festival: un’altra Berlino è necessaria» (Link)
Il Mucchio Selvaggio, Italy, No. 740 03/2016, «Il CTM e Seismographic Sounds» (PDF)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany, 02.03.2016, «Im Pluriversum» (Link, PDF)
Byte.fm, Germany, 02.03.2016, «DJ Eastenders' Bricolage Deluxe» (Link)
Arte Tracks, France, 24.02.2016, «Seismographic Sounds» (Link)
Abismo Blogzine, Bolivia, 21.02.2016, «Nunca tendremos mar» (Link
Schwäbische Zeitung, Germany, 02/2016, «Mediendesigner laden ... ein» (PDF)
Goethe Institute Egypt, Germany/Egypt, 02/2016, «Seismographic Sounds» (Link)
Straylandings, UK, 13.02.2016, Event Review (Link)
ORF Oe1, Austria, 12.02.2016, «Zeit-Ton extended» (Link)
The Culture Trip, UK, 11.02.2016, «Exploring New Geographies» (Link)
Groove, Germany, 10.02.2016, «Festival der Unterschiede» (Link)
taz, Germany, 08.02.2016, «Der Fluss von Sounds durch die Welt» (Link)
Funkhaus Europa, Germany, 08.02.2016, «Global Player Selector» (Link)
poetry film kanal, Germany, 08.02.2016, «Film des Monats: Matter of Fact» (Link)
Musikexpress, Germany, 08.02.2016, «Schöne, laute Welt» (Link)
NEO2, Spain, 05.02.2016, «Transmediale & Club Transmediale» (Link)
Jazz'n'More, Switzerland, 02/2016, Book Review (PDF)
ila #392, Germany, 02/2016, «Die kommenden Erschütterungen» (PDF)
Womex, UK, 02/2016, Event Review (Link)
Kultur Schweiz, Switzerland, 02/2016, Event Note (Link)
The Clubmap, Germany, 02/2016, Event Note (Link)
Berlin Amateurs, Germany/Spain, 03.02.2016, Photo Gallery (Link)
[030] Magazin, Germany, 04.02.2016, Event Note (Link)
Play Nordic, Germany, 01.02.2016, «Olimpia Splendid: Interview & Podcast» (Link)
Bayerischer Rundfunk 2, Germany, 01.02.2016, «Zündfunk» (Link)
taz, Germany, 31.01.2016, «Was heisst ‹Weltmusik› heute?» (Link)
RBB Online, Germany, 31.01.2016, «Abends Konzerte, tagsüber die Theorie» (Link)
ORF FM4, Austria, 30.01.2016, «New Geographies» (Link)
RBB Kulturradio, Germany, 30.01.2016, Event Note (Link)
Funkhaus Europa, Germany, 30.01.2016, «Globalista» (Link)
Blog der Jugendkulturen, Germany, 29.01.2016, Event Note (Link)
Deutschland Radio Kultur, Germany, 29.01.2016, «Fazit» und «Tonart» (Link 1, 2)
WDR 3, Germany, 29.01.2016, «Kultur am Mittag» (Link)
Deutschlandfunk, Germany, 29.01.2016, «Die Grenzen unserer Welt zerfliessen» (Link)
Hate-Mag, Germany, 29.01.2016, «Shopping Is Civil War» (Link)
Zitty, Germany, 29.01.2016, Event Note (Link)
Radio Eins RBB, Germany, 29.01.2016, Event Note (Link)
Jungle World / Die Aufhebung, Germany, 28./30.01.2016, «Im Westen nichts Neues» (Link 1, 2)
Exberliner, Germany, 28.01.2016, «All Over the Map» (Link)
Berliner Zeitung, Germany, 28.01.2016, «Pumpguns zu Xylophonen» (Link)
der Freitag, Germany, 28.01.2016, «Der Globus poppt» (PDF, Link)
Dailymetal, Spain, 27.01.2016, Event Note (Link)
Kaltblut Magazine, Germany, 18.01.2016, Event Note (Link)
junge Welt, Germany, 15.01.2016, «Rein in die Nische» (Link)
Schweizer Musikzeitung, Switzerland, 01/02/2016, «Musikalische Vorboten einer neuen Welt» (PDF)
DB mobil, Germany 01/2016, «Elektro aus Arabien» (JPG)
Der Bund/Tagesanzeiger, CH, 14.01.2016, «Die Chance zum Bleiben» (PDF Bund, TA, Link)
Groove Magazine, Germany, Jan/Feb 2016, «Seismographic Sounds» (PDF)
Think Tank Blog, Switzerland, 31.12.2015, Event Note (Link)
Radio Z, Switzerland, 16.12.2015, «Endlich Weltmusik» (Link)
Cultura Commestibile.com, Italy, 19.12.2015, «Nel labirinto delle musiche moderne» (PDF)
Rockerilla, Italy, «Una bussola per (n)orientarsi nel labirinto delle musiche moderne» (PDF)
Psychemusic.org, Belgium, Book Review (Link)
Dissonance 132, Switzerland, 12/2015, «Die Welt ist bunt, verdammt» (PDF)
Zweikommasieben Magazin, Switzerland, 19.11.2015, «Fragmentarische Kartographie» (Link)
Mada Masr, Egypt, 14.11.2015, Book and Event Note (Link)
Missy Magazine, Germany, 4/2015, Book Note Seismographic Sounds
Der Bund, Switzerland, 06.11.2015, «Das Fest der Seismographen» (PDF)
Berner Zeitung BZ, Switzerland, 06.11.2015, «Schürfer der Musik» (PDF)
Air Berlin Magazin, Germany, November 2015, Event Note (PDF)
The Wire, UK, October 2015, «Deconstructing Violence in Grime» (Link)
SonntagsZeitung, Switzerland, 18.10.2015, «Morgen ist Afrika» (PDF)
Man Recordings Blog, Germany, 07.10.2015, Book Note Seismographic Sounds (Link)
Deutschlandfunk, Germany, 05.10.2015, «Corso» (Link)
RTÉ lyric fm, Ireland, 04.10.2015, «Nova» (Link)
Fipradio.fr, France, 01.10.2015, Event Note (Link)
Opinión.com.bo, Bolivia, 30.09.2015, Book Seismographic Sounds (Link)
El Sol de Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 30.09.2015, Book Seismographic Sounds (Link)
ANF, Bolivia, 29.09.2015, Book Seismographic Sounds (Link)
SRF Online, 12.09.2015, Switzerland, «Audiovisuelle Visionen einer neuen Welt» (Link)
Radio SRF 2 Kultur, 11.09.2015, Switzerland, «Musik der Welt» (Link)
Watson.ch, 07.09.2015, «31 Beweise, dass die globale Musikkultur kein Einheitsbrei ist» (Link)
Schweizer Musikzeitung, Switzerland, 28.08.2015, «Exotica statt Liebe» (Link)
Badische Zeitung, Germany, 27.08.2015, «In Clips um die Welt» (PDF)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland, 21.08.2015, «Vielstimmige Reflexionen» (PDF)
Der Bund, Switzerland, 20.08.2015, «Wir wollen nicht die Welt erklären» (PDF)
WoZ, Switzerland, 20.08.2015, «Mit schrillem Sound gegen das alte Stinktier» (PDF)
Aargauer Zeitung, Switzerland, 15.08.2015, «Visionen einer neuen Welt nachspüren» (PDF)
Surprise Strassenmagazin, Switzerland, 14.08.2015, Ausgehtipp (PDF)
Digital Brainstorming, Switzerland, 14.08.2015, Podcast «So tönt die Welt 2015» (Link)
Kanal K, Switzerland, 13.08.2015, Event Note
Radio Bern RaBe, Switzerland, 13.08.2015, RaBe Info (Link)
KulturStattBern Blog, Switzerland, 13.08.2015, «Die ganze Welt auf kleinem Raum» (Link)
Globalsounds.info, Switzerland, 12.08.2015, «Norient macht's GROSS» (Link)
Missy Magazine, Germany, 3/2015, «Der Lärm der Welt»
Oltner Tagblatt, Switzerland, 10.08.2015, Event Note (PDF)
Kultur-Tipp, Switzerland, 06.08.2015, «Musik kann in die Zukunft weisen» (PDF) (Link)
The Wire, UK, 04.08.2015, «Norient to publish new Book» (Link)
ANF, Bolivia, 20.07.2015, Exhibition Seismographic Sounds (Link)
Página Siete, Bolivia, 18.07.2015, «GatoDiablo participa en una muestra europea» (Link)
Kornhausplatz 18
3011 Bern
Schlossplatz 4
5000 Aarau
Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe
Mariannenplatz 2
10997 Berlin
Via Bergognone, 34
20144 Milano MI
Salita Castelgrande 18
6500 Bellinzona
After London, Berlin, Cairo and Milano, we are excited to present our mixture of live music and music discussions in South Africa. Join us for the «Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World» launches on October 6, 8, and 14, 2016, in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, and follow up with our travel blog.
With Norient our aim is (first) to be close to the phenomenon of music itself. Then we try to discuss it and reflect on it (multi-modally) through academic articles, journalistic texts, blog posts, podcasts, mixtapes, films, or an exhibition. We try not to describe the world from our own point of view alone, but in collaboration with writers, podcast producers, musicians and sound artists from across the world – for our book and exhibition «Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World» we therefore collaborated with 250 people from 50 countries – A big thanks again to all of them! Through you we keep learning: contemporary expressions are rich fields of experimentation; judging is delicate; much is unfinished, not fixed but in flux, quickly switching between peaks and failures. And: music is changing on almost all levels – in its production, financing, promotion, distribution, and in its shapes and formats. We thus strongly believe: It is time for research. And not time for big theories. It’s about finding the massive diversity of music that is being produced today. It’s about showing how it is produced? And how one track can lead to insights and debates around our daily lives: our possibilities and challenges, our dreams, hopes and fears.
To be back in South Africa with a project like «Seismographic Sounds – Visions of a New World» is a great honor and joy. I presented my sound-lecture «Soundscapes from the Edges» in Cape Town in 2007 (listen here), and I found a challenging audience to discuss issues around appropriation, exoticisms, new avant-gardes, modernity, ... topics that are at the core of Norient today – and led to performances like «Sonic Traces: From the Arab World» or films like «Ghana is the Future» (see below). This time I will travel with the two Swiss musicians Bit-Tuner and Dubokaj, and we are going to meet up with local artists and writers Umlilo, Dope Saint Jude, Stash Crew, Hlasko, Future Nostalgia, Atiyyah Khan, Percy Mabandu, Fortune Shumba, Bit-Tuner, Dubokaj, and Dylan Culhane. The events are going to happen in Keleketla in Johannesburg (October 6), Side Street Studios in Cape Town (October 8), and Khaya Records in Durban (October 14).
On our trip in South Africa we will stay in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban and plan to come up with interviews, podcasts and photographs from South African artists – a first research round-up you find on our Soundcloud Playlist (below). These upcoming blog posts will add to the many articles you already find about South African music on Norient (here).
I hope for loads of meetings, discussions and fun in South Africa and I look forward to see you all! Thanks to everyone that made this trip possible!
Thomas Burkhalter, September 30, 2016
The Events
The events which form part of residency programmes supported by Pro Helvetia, sees Swiss musicians Bit-Tuner and Dubokaj join South African artists Umlilo, Stash Crew, Hlasko and Fortune Shumba in Johannesburg, and Dope Saint Jude and Future Nostalgia in Cape Town, teaming up for an exciting performance programme. Alongside the performances the two event spaces will also home panel discussions featuring Percy Mabandu (see his article «Exotica in South African House Music»), Thomas Burkhalter, Umlilo (read «Queer and Of Here») and Dylan Culhane.
Thursday, October 6, Johannesburg: Keleketla. Facebook Event Invite Here.
Saturday, October 8, Cape Town: Side Street Studios. Facebook Event Invite Here
Friday, October 14, Durban: Khaya Records, Durban. Facebook Event Invite Khaya Records, Durban
Videos of some of the live acts:
The Playlist
// Sophisticated or full of pre-sets // Trap, Playful Explorations, Gqom, Voice Experiments, Mali Blues, Cut Up Pianos, Distortion and Echoes, Field Recordings, F*ed up Rhythms, Drones, Stretched Time; LGTB Visions, Masculine Pathos, Showbiz, Spoken Word // «No Justice», «Give me the Government Coins, «I am warning you», «You are disgraceful», «Rise Up», «I can feel the changes» // «I'm fucking with the clubs, and the books and the streets» Dope Saint Jude (Track 1 / 1’27)
South Africa
South Africa
Cape Town
South Africa