Revealing Sonic Aspects

by Andra McCartney

Does the maker want to reveal particular sonic aspects of the place as it is, as it used to be, as it might be?

This quote is excerpted from a keynote paper by Dr. Andra McCarney from her keynote presentation at WFAE international conference Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound, Koli, Finland, June 19, 2010.


Andra McCartney is a sound artist and writer who lives in a highway village in eastern Ontario. From 1999–2015, Andra lived in Lachine and Montreal, where she taught at Concordia University and did several large-scale sound projects. Andra is deeply interested in listening, especially to everyday sounds. Her approach relies on repetitive listening and recording as ways of getting to know places. She goes on soundwalks and listening quests to open up conversations with other makers and listeners. Andra transforms her own field recordings into video, live performance and interactive work, juxtaposing recordings from different but related places, emphasizing slowness and subtlety.

Published on July 05, 2020

Last updated on May 01, 2024


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