This Track Contains Politics: Public Reading
Norient Books presents a talk and public reading of This Track Contains Politics: The Culture of Sampling in Experimental Electronica by Hannes Liechti @ Gewölbe Paderborn, hosted by the University of Paderborn, study program «Popular Music and Media».
reading and talk with Hannes Liechti
moderated by Philip Kersting
DJ set
Language: German
Der Berner Musikwissenschaftler Dr. Hannes Liechti präsentiert im Paderborner Gewölbekeller sein 2022 erschienenes Buch zur Sampling-Kultur in experimenteller elektronischer Popmusik This Track Contains Politics: The Culture of Sampling in Experimental Electronica. In seiner ethnographischen Studie beleuchtete Liechti unterschiedliche Sampling-Strategien und dabei insbesondere die Motivationen und Intentionen, die zum Sampling von politischem Klangmaterial geführt haben oder zu Sampling-Prozessen mit politischen Aussagen. In der Buchpräsentation führt Liechti kurz in seine Studie ein und diskutiert die in dem Buch untersuchten Fallbeispiele. Die Moderation, sowie den Talk mit dem Publikum wird Philip Kersting übernehmen.
About the Book
What does it mean to process field recordings from the Ukrainian war in an electronic music track? How can the sampling of an Armenian keyboard melody be read as a critique of traditional gender roles? And what does it say about voyeurism in our culture when a techno producer uses viral YouTube videos as the basic material of his compositions?
Across five detailed case studies, Hannes Liechti discusses the culture and politics of musical sampling from a new perspective. Giving particular attention to the reasons behind sampling processes, Liechti’s in-depth analysis of sampling strategies by artists such as COOL FOR YOU and Lara Sarkissian shows that sampling political material, and sampling with political intentions reveals a complex net of contexts, meanings, and often deeply personal choices and creative decisions.
Offering tangible tools and concepts for further exploration of sample-based music, the book illustrates the potential of popular music to tell stories about the world, and it describes the habits, thoughts, and realities of the laptop producer, one of the core actors in 21st century music-making.
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