From Beyoncés colonial stagings in mainstream pop to the ethical problems of Western people «documenting» non-Western cultures.

  • Academic Text by Thomas Burkhalter
    What role and methods can a privileged Western person adopt when curating contemporary music from a global perspective? In his ongoing endeavor to understand the world through music and sound, Norient founder Thomas Burkhalter suggests 13 curatorial principles.
  • Essay by Sandeep Bhagwati
    Eurological ways of curating music tend to ignore their own social and aesthetic contexts. In his essay, the composer Sandeep Bhagwati asks for more wakefulness in choosing that acknowledges the pluralities of musics today.
  • Video Essay by Camilo Casallas Torres, Santiago Álvarez Méndez
    Join the label In-Correcto in exploring the city of Bogotá through historical footage, label recordings, and spoken poetry. // Únete al sello In-Correcto para explorar la ciudad de Bogotá a través de archivo histórico, grabaciones del sello y spoken poetry.
  • Response by Fatima-Zahra Lakrissa
    Speaking from the perspective of a researcher in art history and curatorial practitioner in Morocco, our author considers the idea of experimentation as one of the central aspects of Gilles Aubry’s book «Sawt, Bodies, Species».