The capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. Following Maggie Nelson, agency is a also always a negotiation of available possibilities and pressures.
  • Short Essay by Zeynep Burça Oral, Mark IJzerman, Katía Truijen, Giada Dalla Bontà, Philipp Rhensius
    Sound can be listened to, but what do you hear when the sound listens back? This collage essay weaves together responses from sound artists and theorists, exploring the reciprocity of listening and the agency of sound itself.
  • Sound Collage by Smita Urmila Rajmane
    A sound collage excerpted from an audio-visual game that the artist is designing in an attempt to reconstruct erased narratives from school history textbooks across India and facilitate a discussion on censored histories.
  • Short Essay by Aysel Özdilek
    Biographies are always double-edged. They consist of the actual life one lived, and of the virtual life that one could have lived. Yet, the life of Turkish composer İlhan Mimaroğlu, depicted in the film «Mimaroğlu: The Robinson of Manhattan Island», shows that not every virtual promise is fulfilled.
  • Short Essay by Grace Takyi
    In Ghana, everyday life is widely ruled by the Christian religion. The artists portrayed in the film «Contradict» revolt against this religion’s tendency to dominate people’s histories – by writing their own.