Nothing Is Complete

In their experimental podcast, the sound artists Sol Rezza and Franco Falistoco investigate the notions of creating in times of pandemic and building ties between artists. When listening to the different audios of the In/Out Festival, they realized the urgency to develope new forms of collaborative work facing the problems that arise with social distancing. Their approach is experimental, from a radiophonic point of view, using fragments of those audios as the starting point of a mainly sound based storytelling.

The Norient Special «Promise of Catharsis» is based on performances at the South American «In/Out Festival» that took place online between September 2 and 6 in 2020. It is funded by Pro Helvetia South America.


Sol Rezza is an Argentinian artist who creates immersive sound spaces where audio spatialization plays a fundamental role in storytelling. Composer, sound designer and audio engineer, she works in various fields related to sound; from live performances, experimental compositions for radio to the creation of atmospheres/environments and/or sound effects for digital media, videogames, films as well as installations. Her practice develops between art, psychoacoustics and technology. She explores how we perceive time and space through our senses and how sounds influence that perception. Follow her on Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, SoundCloud, Facebook, or on her Website.


Franco Falistoco is an Argentinian radio producer and sound artist. In his work, he plays with sonic nuances, textures, and tonalities, and appeals to intimate and collective emotions. He makes work in which sound communicates without needing words. For a decade, Franco has been running El RUIDO es el Mensaje, or The NOISE is the Message, a radio project which uses noise as part of a broader sonic language. Follow him on Instagram, or on his Website.

Published on March 11, 2021

Last updated on April 09, 2024


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