• The wake of morning, perhaps (photo: Chris Downer).
    Short Essay
    Voices in crowded urban terrains, the sonic shock of fighter jets. Some music can evoke ideas of the life it is made in – and create relationships. Read an essay by Majd Shidiac from the «Sonic Worlding» column.
  • Moroccan band Nass El Ghiwane joined with Algerian and American artists at Mawazine Festival (photo: Magharebia/Wikimedia).
    In this sonic fiction, our writer depicts the Moroccan avant garde band Nass El Ghiwane as straying birds in search of a different life.
  • Night in Beirut, April 2022 (photo: Tamara Saade).
    Sonic Diary
    In this diaristic essay, Majd Shidiac conjures up his affecting responses to the sounds and compositions of musicians and practitioners that register the systemic violence the country has seen in the past few years.
  • Quotation

    «I take notice of the looping eruptions, as if propelled in an active nuclear power plant.»

  • Mirath:Music outdoor sound exhibition at the sculpture park of the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts in Amman, Jordan (photo: Taher Otaibi/Goethe-Institut Jordanien, 23.10.2021).
    Short Essay
    Can one pursue the past through reimagining the present? Veteran musician Yacoub Abu Ghosh and sound experimentalist Rehab Hazgui talk to Norient about merging tradition with recent techniques at the «Mirath:Music Sound Exhibition», a project by the Goethe-Institut.